The zygotic embryos were recognized in the egg sac and excised out and grown to maturity
It is clearly a marked advantage to use a root stock variety that will reproduce the parent type as nearly true to type as possible by such propagation. Since the embryos developed by cross-fecundated egg cells are likely to be variable, owing to the commingling of genes of different parents, it is evident that the larger…
One strategy to reduce the number of rabbits in the nursery may be habitat manipulation
Pericentromeric heterochromatin in tomato contains a high frequency of repetitive DNA, primarily due to the presence of transposable elements. Repeated sequences prevent the placement of the unique oligonucleotide probes necessary for successful chromosome walking . The reference genome sequence of cultivated tomato may be helpful in overcoming this problem, because probes may be designed targeting nonrepetitive…
The contained nature of EcoPODs allows accurate mass balance calculations
Using the EcoPOD lysimeter technology, intact soil monoliths can be retrieved from the field and studied under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The above ground portion is approximately 1.5 m tall and, therefore, allows the study of a number of different plants in soil with macro- and microorganisms in the context of environmental changes.EcoPODs allow precise conditioning…
Plant-bacteria interaction can be used to improve production of secondary metabolites by hairy roots
It remains to be seen that similar results are achievable with soil grown plants or in the field where plants may be less limited for growth than in sand filled pots. In addition, competition from other bacteria may prevent colonization by endophytic diazotroph. Plant genetic contribution to this symbiosis is an important area of research leading…
The activities of urban farms fall naturally under definitions and descriptions of agroecology
The declaration represents the views of small scale food producers, landless rural workers, indigenous peoples and urban communities alike, affirming that “Agroecology is not a mere set of technologies or production practices” and that “Agroecology is political; it requires us to challenge and transform structures of power in society” . The declaration goes on to…
NA is a nonproteinaceous amino acid and is synthesized from S-adenosyl methionine
At 52 days after planting, all plants were harvested.At harvest, the lettuce plants were gently removed from the soil, thoroughly rinsed with tap water for 5 min and then rinsed with NanoPure water three times. Leaf tissue was carefully separated from vascular and mesophyll tissues Figure S1. Mesophyll and root tissues were ground in liquid nitrogen…
Work is now in progress to find the conditions that will maximize the yield of CO
It is these factors that we wish to exploit for energy storage. Phenyl azirine can be photo converted into its ylide counterpart with ultraviolet light and them the ylide can be converted back to the azirine form with longer wavelengths . With the phenyl azirine suspended in a cryogenic matrix of solid argon, it can be converted…
Space- and time-resolved understanding of excited states in these materials will lead to higher efficiencies
The importance of e-beam is twofold; first as a direct wafer pattering technology for lower volume production, and second as a mask writing technology for high volume projection extreme ultraviolet lithography techniques. Nanopatterning of EUV masks to achieve specific functionality is further complicated by the fact that EUV masks are comprised of complex material systems…
The carbon cycle in high-latitude ecosystems is chronically limited by nitrogen availability
Our first efforts in this direction have focused on s-wave superconductivity. We correctly reproduce the equilibrium behavior, as well as the basic ideas regarding superconductivity, e.g. super currents. Proceeding on to pumping, we have results indicating the presence of Higgs, or amplitude mode oscillations. The Higgs mode is a fundamental concept in broken symmetry states, yet…
Asymmetrical irrigation results in an unequal development of the root system
The root system under conditions that were close to the optimum temperature showed greater growth rates and thus reached deeper depths and developed greater root length densities than the root system under non-optimum temperature conditions. Finally, an additional soil horizon, consisting of 24% sand, 64% silt, and 12% clay and having the bulk density of…