Microbial spoilage in particular has been shown to reduce the shelf life of lettuce
Increased concentrations of the most abundant phenolics such as chichoric acid, quercetin derivatives Q-3MG and Q-3G, CQA, CTA, DCQA, L-7G and K-3MG were observed in the HAO lines, though out of these metabolites only CQA and K-3MG were found to be significantly positively correlated with AO potential. The lack of significant correlation between AO potential…
Cd transporters are considered to play central roles in various physiological activities
Figure 7 summarizes the postulated events leading to the inhibition of tomato pedicel abscission in the THyPRP-silenced plants. This sequence of events is based on regulatory genes whose expression was altered in the FAZ of the silenced plants at zero time and early after flower removal, compared to their expression in the WT FAZ. The role of…
Their farming endeavors frequently were disrupted by inadequate water for irrigation
GP was applied to estimate the GEBVs of common bean accessions for resistance to two SCN HG types, and prediction accuracies were evaluated using cross-validation. Our study represents the first GWAS and GP for SCN resistance in common bean.In the phenotyping experiments for SCN resistance using the female index , each accession was replicated multiple times…
Eliminating both PgUGT84A23 and PgUGT84A24 activities frees gallic acid from the biosynthesis of β-glucogallin
Certainly tobacco has played a major role in the economic development of Zimbabwe so far and, despite the health risks for tobacco consumers, it would be irresponsible to suggest that Zimbabwe should curtail tobacco and not continue to make use of this potential. More than 80% of all rose exports, for example, are grown on…
Large-scale commercial farmers produce more than 95% of Zimbabwe’s total soybean crop
An important advantage of this system and one reason many farmers like to grow tobacco is that they are paid in foreign exchange on the day the crop is sold. This money can be held in a foreign currency account for up to 60 days and is often used to procure essential imports needed to…
Definitions of system boundaries and time horizons for UM are generally not strictly defined
Urban hardscape as it currently exists and as it is expanded through new development and perpetuated through maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction requires mining and importation into the urban area of large quantities of materials and exportation of demolition waste out of the urban area. Standards that require extensive vehicle parking for new housing and other…
Number of morphotypes was also positively correlated with depth
An ecosystem services perspective directly links ecosystem structures and functions to human well-being , providing a tangible rationale for more holistic environmental management and protection . Ecosystem services can be difficult to quantify, especially in marine environments where interactions and boundaries can be dynamic and loosely-coupled . However, technological developments have greatly aided deep-sea scientific…
Folate is required for early embryonic development and oocyte maturation
Students would do well to consider the role of magnesium from plant sources as a particularly illuminating case study. Magnesium is recognized to have a central role in human well being, affecting cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological health. It is synergistic with the fat soluble vitamins A and D, and so its deficiency is likely to affect…
Mechanical scraping of the trichomes completely removed the trichomes on the leaf surface
Best fits were derived by incrementally increasing the number of fitted components and minimizing the fitted residual. The range for the fit was varied as a function of data quality and to test contributions from minor components. Target transforms were carried out using the SIXpack program, and XANES data analysis was carried out using the Athena program…
The promoter functions in almost all vegetative organs and tissues during water stress
The cis-acting region of the rd29A promoter contains three dehydration-responsive elements and one abscisic acid responsive element.We hypothesized that under water stress conditions, the over expression of LeNCED1 using the stress-inducible promoter rd29A would increase the ABA and proline concentration in leaves, leading to stomatal closure, reducing the osmotic potential and enhancing drought resistance in petunia,…