Relationship to place is powerful and fundamental to human experience
In addition, investigation of monovalent cation selectivity of OsHKT1;4 expressed in oocytes bathed in solutions containing solo cation-chloride salts further revealed that this transporter is highly selective for Na+ amongst Li+ , K+ , Rb+ , Cs+ , Na+ , and NH4 + . These results indicate that OsHKT1;4 is a Na+ transporter. HKT proteins…
The remaining variables are standard in cross-country growth equations
As mentioned earlier, short-term increases in yield should appear directly in the GDP accounts if land under cultivation is relatively fixed in the short term, and agricultural output constitutes a sizable share of GDP. Table 5 presents fixed effects OLS estimators for equation , covering five-year growth periods from 1965 to 2000. Consistent with the…
We finish the series with an in-depth analyses of specific farming or social systems
The expansion of large-scale commercial agriculture has also caused deforestation of some of the most bio-diverse forests in the world, such as in the Amazon, for soybean production , and in Southeast Asian rain forests, for oil palm . Since the 1990s, particularly in Brazil and Indonesia where the greatest amount of deforestation occurred, the…
Interest in using agricultural system models by the private sector is also increasing
Such information can be used to derive inputs for crop models in conjunction with yield mapping analysis to identify areas in the field that are stable over space and time. Crop models can be executed on those areas to provide insights on the reason of variability as well as estimates of potential economic return of variable-rate…
Agricultural systems models are being challenged to move beyond just including economic and sustainability issues
While smallholders are not bound to PAD’s recommendations, PAD promises higher yields and profits, holds a monopoly on knowledge, and is using its knowledge to ensure obedience. This external control, a dynamic of urbanized agrarian knowledge, is problematic in its own right: while often very specific about climate and soil conditions, PAD appears to take little heed of local social,…
It creates an increasing disconnection between what farmers produce and what urban households consume
They find that only when cell phone services help traders reach markets further away does improved infrastructure raise local prices, benefiting producers. For teff in Ethiopia, Vendercasteelen et al. show that proximity to cities increases the price received by farmers as well as the use of fertilizer and improved seed, resulting in higher yields, especially proximity…
Food sovereignty is a dynamic political framework that espouses local control over food systems
Explanations of the socioeconomic element of the transition from foraging through mixed economies to those that take up full-time agriculture will entail not only marginal analysis and opportunity costs but also risk, discounting, economies of scale, and transaction costs. We know this because the spatial form and temporal scale of agricultural production fundamentally change the…
Changes in the external economy for agricultural commodities have paralleled those in domestic markets
They provide suggestive evidence that the advice given by dealers is motivated at least partly by their concerns about how it will affect their reputation and future business opportunities. This offers one explanation as to why dealers advise farmers about a new seed variety even when prices do not give them a direct incentive to do…
Regulated agricultural sources will be provided a financial incentive to aid in compliance
As reported by Grossi in the Fresno Bee , “Caleb Schneider, 16, of Hanford, said he has asthma, and he wants to see every effort made to clean the air. ‘When you can’t breathe’, he said, ‘nothing else matters.’” This narrative depicts the agriculture industry as a villain deserving of public policy burdens. The numbers and…
The nightmare was in the main the same encountered by all refugees fleeing Germany and the occupied countries
This trip is a wonderful experience.” However, Richard Symansky and Nancy Burley have pointed out that the property at Sosúa was not first on a list of areas recommended for colonization, in spite of Rosen and Rosenberg’s glowing reports. Symanski and Burley continue to list the physical deficiencies of the Sosúa property, citing its “low…