Griffithsin is a high-mannose binding lectin found natively in the marine red alga Griffithsia
The double mutant chl1-13 nlp7-4 exhibited significant lower nitrate content than that in WT and the nlp7 plants, and similar to that in the chl1 mutants . The nitrate reductase activity of the two single mutants was much lower than that of WT, and the double mutant chl1-13 nlp7-4 showed similar nitrate reductase activity to the chl1-13 mutant . In addition,…
Addresses may also be subject to misclassification due to data entry errors
In a subset of the children for whom all three types of addresses were all available for analysis, we found generally higher point estimates using diagnosis address compared to those estimated using LexisNexis addresses. However, among children for whom we did not have LexisNexis addresses available, we observed the strongest effect estimates based on birth…