Tag: macetero de 7 litros

  • Are Clay Pots Better For Plants Than Plastic

    We first monitored the phosphorylation status of CBL1/9 in wild type, cipk23, and cipk9 single mutants but found no significant difference among seedlings of different genotypes . In cipk9/23 double mutant, however, low-K + -induced CBL1/9 phosphorylation was dramatically reduced , suggesting that CIPK23 and CIPK9 function redundantly in phosphorylating CBL1/9 proteins under low-K+ stress.…

  • Densities of an herbivorous pest might be impacted by landscape and grove architecture

    The difference in transmission efficiency was correlated to differences in the expression of digestive proteases within the insect gut. Previously, the Hall lab showed that titers of the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticusĀ in Asian citrus psyllids , the vectors of CLas associated with citrus greening disease, are lower when reared from Murraya paniculata than in psyllids…