How Do Plastic Planter Pots Drain
Plastic planter pots typically have drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to escape. Here’s how the drainage process works in plastic planter pots: Proper drainage is crucial for the health of your plants in plastic planter pots. It helps maintain the right moisture level in the soil and prevents root suffocation due…
Agricultural groundwater banking must be approached with caution
To reflect the mixing of soil horizons in the calculation of the deep percolation factor, the depth-weighted average of Ksat for the entire soil profile was used in place of the lowest Ksat for each profile. We reduced the deep percolation factor rating for soils with claypans by 20% to reflect the risk that modified…
We tested the mobility of mesotrione through a soil column with acidic soil
Mesotrione reacts with hydrazides or amines to form irreversible enamine linkages, that re potentially still active. We therefore conjugated mesotrione to the nucleophilic PEG derivatives before forming the final gel. Mesotrione was incubated with PEG-CDH, PEG-ADH, or PEG-NH2 at a ratio of 1:4 between mesotrione and PEG end groups. We observed nearly quantitative reaction efficiency between…