We relate proximity measures to likelihoods to indicate the approximative nature of our approach
Resilience attributes that were discussed in most case studies were “Infrastructure for innovation”, and “Production coupled with local and natural capital”. Resilience attributes related to diversity, policies or connection with actors outside the farming system were least discussed. In SE-Poultry and PL-Horticulture the “Functional diversity” and “Response diversity” was emphasized. In DE-Arable&Mixed, RO-Mixed and to…
Discussions of smart farming tend to have specific technical developments in mind
Nevertheless, one should be cautious with generalising ResAT findings of a single farming system case. We reason that the CAP’s resilience-enhancing or resilience constraining capabilities are very dependent on the farming system’s characteristics, such as its functions, its regional context and the specific challenges that it faces . For instance, De Veenkoloni¨en faces challenges that are…
Strong and extremely strong erosion had been successfully controlled for these land use types
Soil background and vegetation cover were other factors studied in this research, which also often have a high impact on the quality of image analysis , mainly in traditional pixel-based classifications. On the one hand, the OBIA4tillage procedure was insensitive to soil hue, reporting similar good results for both clear and dark soils . On…