Official technical cooperation in agriculture remains fundamentally driven by Itamaraty
In the Brazilian public sphere, there hasn’t been much debate on its growing status as a provider of cooperation – even if, as one of my interlocutors in diplomacy claimed, there is always a press that will “pick on whatever the government does”. Indeed, in the national media, Congressional debates and in informal conversations with…
The data set could be supplemented with at least three more pieces of information
The survey data set provides data over a five-year period from 1987 to 1991, and State Controller financial data is available over this same time period. A pooled-time series analysis would likely provide a richer view of how districts manage their finances over a longer period, particularly given the apparent large fluctuations in net income and…
Agriculture undoubtedly contributes to biosphere change in the Anthropocene era
Under agroecological management coffee and cacao can be designed to mimick the surrounding natural landscape to promote wildlife friendly practices that enhance synergetic interactions between organisms and provide sustainable food products that increase food sovereignty for local communities . In the case of shade-grown coffee this management is reflected in habitat provision for wildlife, increased…
The scores in these domains were higher as the distance categories increased
Because of these findings and our previously reported positive associations between AChE activity and neurobehavioral performance in boys and transient alterations in neurobehavioral performance in relation to a peak pesticide spray season , we hypothesized that children living near greenhouse floricultural production sites, assessed during the same time period with respect to harvest season, had worse…
This dilemma becomes more or less sharp depending on the theoretical perspective
My focus is therefore not on the terms but on the hyphen in South South cooperation. There is, as especially Chapter 1 will suggest, a whole politics behind this hyphen. Mine would have to be therefore a take on relationality that did not fail to attend to the play of power relations, more specifically those of…
Brazilian cattle ranchers do not just hold their ranches to produce cattle products
Our findings demonstrate the sensitivity of technology adoption to land productivity and market isolation, but there are numerous other factors that are likely to influence technology adoption patterns. Salient factors include energy prices, landholder heterogeneity, land tenure status, and non-agricultural motivations for agricultural land use. Energy prices will have a strong influence on the size…
This broad definition resulted in considerable contestation
Their analysis incorporated 42 studies and is unique because data were supplemented with weather observations used to quantify moisture and temperature stress. Results from the general linear mixed effects model employed indicated that CA yields improve with increasing moisture and heat stress although these effects are partially controlled by soil texture. Previous studies also suggested…
The sum of the coefficients of farm prices do not have the expected sign
If contemporaneous values of money are significant in the non-farm equation, then we should conclude that either money and non-farm prices are simultaneously determined or both forward and backward linkages are present. The analysis of Table 5 shows that lagged values of exchange rate and farm prices are significant in the money equation. This, by the way,…
All of these contribute to deterring farmers from innovating in their crop choices
Recent studies simply emphasize the continued failure to develop adequate infrastructure to complement and support innovation at the level of individual farmers. These studies document numerous deficiencies in hard and soft infrastructure for alternative crops. For kinnows, one study notes the lack of adequate facilities for storage, grading and waxing, and for refrigerated transport. A case study…
The models rely on self-assembly of skin components within an appropriate matrix
UVA exposure additionally degrades the dermal matrix through decreases in procollagen synthesis and increases in MMP-1, -3, and – 9 expression. Photoaged skin has also displayed reduced dermal vasculature and dermal connective tissue breakdown and disorganization in human explant cultures. Human Skin Equivalents are in vitro tissue models that have been previously used for studies on…