Data is further organized by the SKOS and brought into the semantic web by the OWL
There are no options to add semantics to Shape files linking it in an ontology-based data network to represent and use it in an interoperable way for multiple sinks over a long period of time, which is necessary if resilience is considered.Also, the composition of several “part-files” complicates processing .Further important limitations of Shape files are listed in reflectsions…
The harvesting cost calculated as a lump sum is lower in the SA season
The wide application of the super-efficiency method included sensitivity testing, identification of outliers, and a method for overcoming the bounded range problem in the second stage of linear regression.Hence, instead of the Tobit regression, we can use standard ordinary least squares regression methods in the next stage.In paddy production, the reduction strategy of inputs will not always…
Extension visits were only significant in explaining poverty reductions among non-irrigators
Blackmore et al.have reported a negative influence of seasonal farming on vulnerability to poverty and food insecurity, confirming the results of this study.For non-participation in irrigation farming, the result shows a positive and significant effect on alleviating the poverty status of rural households.This is expected because farmers who do not irrigate and only practice seasonal farming are…
An average cocoa-based farming household in the study area comprises about seven people
In Southwestern Nigeria, however, farming households’ lack of participation in social groups have overshadowed the effect of improving access to financial resources , which hinges on a complex set of factors.There is still no consensus whether these factors are the farming households’ social-economic characteristics, or forms and strength of social groups, or social capital available to farming…
The issue of the profitability of farming is significant in terms of distributive justice
Nonetheless, Valio, for instance, is doing a lot of work to identify better methods for the use of agricultural peatlands. Ultimately, however, public policy guidance is urgently needed. According to our study, the key justice issues in the transition to carbon-neutral farming relate to the profitability of farming, the distribution of blame in society, and…