Extension visits were only significant in explaining poverty reductions among non-irrigators
Blackmore et al.have reported a negative influence of seasonal farming on vulnerability to poverty and food insecurity, confirming the results of this study.For non-participation in irrigation farming, the result shows a positive and significant effect on alleviating the poverty status of rural households.This is expected because farmers who do not irrigate and only practice seasonal farming are…
The number of dairy cattle owned per household was variable
The present findings contradict with results of Haile et al., who reported that the sale of milk to generate income was the main reason for keeping dairy cattle in Hawassa town.However, our finding is in agreement with the results of Makokha et al., who also reported that milk production for household consumption and cash income was the…
The oxidation of HDPE geomembranes can be evaluated through three different stages
CD farmers displayed rather distinctive farming strategies.They cultivated cash crops that simultaneously provided crop residues for feed, and they even grew food crops.This reduced their dependence on the public food distribution system.CD farmers owned some farm machinery and demonstrated the highest level of farm mechanization.They claimed it was an effective strategy to manage the labor…
Machine learning is also being used in optimizing feed efficiency and energy intake
The administration of additional painkillers during/after disbudding was also more common on organic farms: all but three organic farms provided this additional care option, whereas in half of the conventional farms no analgesic was administered for disbudding . These differences were probably due to the legal standards and the animal friendly management measures prevalent in…
Organic cultivation systems may provide beneficial solutions to current problems affecting the soil microbiome
SDSS for agricultural applications is quite complex; it requires knowledge from various multidisciplinary areas, such as crop agronomy, computer hardware and software, mathematics, and statistics. For example, to understand crop growth, it is necessary to know how many variables affect crop growth, how each variable affects crop growth? Each crop requires a different optimum value…
The issue of the profitability of farming is significant in terms of distributive justice
Nonetheless, Valio, for instance, is doing a lot of work to identify better methods for the use of agricultural peatlands. Ultimately, however, public policy guidance is urgently needed. According to our study, the key justice issues in the transition to carbon-neutral farming relate to the profitability of farming, the distribution of blame in society, and…
We relate proximity measures to likelihoods to indicate the approximative nature of our approach
Resilience attributes that were discussed in most case studies were “Infrastructure for innovation”, and “Production coupled with local and natural capital”. Resilience attributes related to diversity, policies or connection with actors outside the farming system were least discussed. In SE-Poultry and PL-Horticulture the “Functional diversity” and “Response diversity” was emphasized. In DE-Arable&Mixed, RO-Mixed and to…
Discussions of smart farming tend to have specific technical developments in mind
Nevertheless, one should be cautious with generalising ResAT findings of a single farming system case. We reason that the CAP’s resilience-enhancing or resilience constraining capabilities are very dependent on the farming system’s characteristics, such as its functions, its regional context and the specific challenges that it faces . For instance, De Veenkoloni¨en faces challenges that are…
Strong and extremely strong erosion had been successfully controlled for these land use types
Soil background and vegetation cover were other factors studied in this research, which also often have a high impact on the quality of image analysis , mainly in traditional pixel-based classifications. On the one hand, the OBIA4tillage procedure was insensitive to soil hue, reporting similar good results for both clear and dark soils . On…