Tag: dutch bucket for tomatoes

  • All observations were conducted by the same individual to avoid sampling biases

    AM was defined as being between the hours of 9:30–11:30, Mid-Day as between 11:30–13:30, and PM as between 13:30–15:30.Also recorded at each observation period were approximate number of blooms, and wind and temperature simultaneously . Bees were not netted for later identification as we did not want to interfere with visitation to starthistle during this…

  • The use of some minimum quality standards has been controversial

    The demand facing packers in the fresh market is very inelastic relative to the demands in the processing and export market. Thus, price discrimination against the fresh market, by restricting the flow of product to it, is both possible and profitable. Short-run producer price enhancement without any controls on entry led to an acreage response for…