Air quality is usually related to soil and water contamination
If productivity gains can support sustainability, climate, and rural development goals, then more explicit consideration and potential yield-enhancing technologies is needed to design effective policy instruments. Future analyses can benefit from consideration of these factors for a more comprehensive assessment of environmental and health impacts of dietary transitions.As one of the six major air pollutants, nitrous oxide…
CeO2 were found inside roots which suggests Ce oxidation to Ce once Ce has moved into the plant
The μXRF maps indicate that Ce was mostly adsorbed on the barley roots or aggregated in the soil just outside the roots, but was not detected inside the roots . This data is similar with our previous finding which showed high concentration of Ce on wheat root surface.Hernandez et al. also reported CeO2-NPs adsorption in…
Drought tolerant wheat varieties have smaller xylem vessel diameters
The overall mean phenotypic value of each line across the environments was taken as the input phenotype for that line representing the genotypic value of that line. All QTL detected would represent those showing consistent effects across environments. There were many statistical approaches to identify and estimate QTL effects such as linear regression model, interval…
Does Hydroponics Make Plants Grow Faster
We may use the Blasius solution of the Prandtl equation, since, by comparing the size of the nanobubble to the size of the water laminae we may approximate the relative curvature to be negligible, as well as the flow being laminar due to the fluid itself being static, and hence the flat plate approximation may…
Both the physical environment and infrastructure also affect adoption
While it is beyond the scope of this article to explain the relative performance of China’s breeding programs, most likely, it is a combination of historic investment priorities, fortunate breakthroughs and availability of international germplasm. China’s breeding efforts also have enhanced the quality of its seed stock. Using experiment station yields of each major variety during…
Data is further organized by the SKOS and brought into the semantic web by the OWL
There are no options to add semantics to Shape files linking it in an ontology-based data network to represent and use it in an interoperable way for multiple sinks over a long period of time, which is necessary if resilience is considered.Also, the composition of several “part-files” complicates processing .Further important limitations of Shape files are listed in reflectsions…
The harvesting cost calculated as a lump sum is lower in the SA season
The wide application of the super-efficiency method included sensitivity testing, identification of outliers, and a method for overcoming the bounded range problem in the second stage of linear regression.Hence, instead of the Tobit regression, we can use standard ordinary least squares regression methods in the next stage.In paddy production, the reduction strategy of inputs will not always…
Pleiotropic effects are often inferred where strong genetic correlations exist between traits
The genetic architecture of traits and trait responses is recognized as a key regulator of intraspecific variation in plant responses to environmental change . Patterns of G × E are sometimes attributed to architectural aspects such as pleiotropy, differential sensitivity and non-additive effects. Pleiotropy occurs when a single gene affects two apparently unrelated phenotypic traits. Differential…
One-fourth of an acre of farmland is harvested on average
We collected UCCE expenditure budget data by county offices for the years 1992 through 2012. Some counties in California have a shared budget allocation with another county; such counties include Humboldt and Del Norte, Inyo and Mono, Placer and Nevada, Plumas and Sierra, Sutter and Yuba, Shasta and Trinity, and San Mateo and San Francisco.…
Farming experience enhances farmers’ understanding of the impacts of climate change on crop production
The indicators for physical capital are represented by means of irrigation, distance to the agricultural office, and main road accessibility during monsoon season.In several studies, access to irrigation has been considered as an important factor in adapting to climatic changes.With access to irrigation facilities, farmers can grow multiple crops throughout the year, which enhances their…