This dilemma becomes more or less sharp depending on the theoretical perspective
My focus is therefore not on the terms but on the hyphen in South South cooperation. There is, as especially Chapter 1 will suggest, a whole politics behind this hyphen. Mine would have to be therefore a take on relationality that did not fail to attend to the play of power relations, more specifically those of…
Brazilian cattle ranchers do not just hold their ranches to produce cattle products
Our findings demonstrate the sensitivity of technology adoption to land productivity and market isolation, but there are numerous other factors that are likely to influence technology adoption patterns. Salient factors include energy prices, landholder heterogeneity, land tenure status, and non-agricultural motivations for agricultural land use. Energy prices will have a strong influence on the size…
This broad definition resulted in considerable contestation
Their analysis incorporated 42 studies and is unique because data were supplemented with weather observations used to quantify moisture and temperature stress. Results from the general linear mixed effects model employed indicated that CA yields improve with increasing moisture and heat stress although these effects are partially controlled by soil texture. Previous studies also suggested…
The sum of the coefficients of farm prices do not have the expected sign
If contemporaneous values of money are significant in the non-farm equation, then we should conclude that either money and non-farm prices are simultaneously determined or both forward and backward linkages are present. The analysis of Table 5 shows that lagged values of exchange rate and farm prices are significant in the money equation. This, by the way,…
All of these contribute to deterring farmers from innovating in their crop choices
Recent studies simply emphasize the continued failure to develop adequate infrastructure to complement and support innovation at the level of individual farmers. These studies document numerous deficiencies in hard and soft infrastructure for alternative crops. For kinnows, one study notes the lack of adequate facilities for storage, grading and waxing, and for refrigerated transport. A case study…
The models rely on self-assembly of skin components within an appropriate matrix
UVA exposure additionally degrades the dermal matrix through decreases in procollagen synthesis and increases in MMP-1, -3, and – 9 expression. Photoaged skin has also displayed reduced dermal vasculature and dermal connective tissue breakdown and disorganization in human explant cultures. Human Skin Equivalents are in vitro tissue models that have been previously used for studies on…
The GFDL model does not predict any decreases in CWD
Even if there is increased precipitation and more excess water for any given month, this favors the partitioning of excess water into runoff because of the limitation of soil storage. Therefore, shorter wet seasons translate into reductions in recharge, and amount of runoff is related to if there is more or less precipitation. The dry…
The modeling approach begins with the climate as precipitation and air temperature
The future condition analyses are for four climate scenarios representing a range of projected outcomes and model sensitivity to greenhouse gas forcing, and an analysis of the resulting hydrologic impacts. To develop confidence in the application of historic and future climate projections to hydrologic modeling, this paper evaluates the reliability of hydrologic model performance by…
A non-significant chi-square statistic represents a good model fit to the data
The study’s treatment population of patients with diabetes was selected from the six pilot institutions implementing the CCM program, having physical yards of varying security and medication requirement levels. The control population was chosen from the remaining non-pilot prisons also having a complex mix of security and clinical needs. Individuals included in this research were…
The practitioners chose the breakthrough series as their improvement strategy
The CSFs are well defined at the program level, at which level of analysis they detail the key metrics of success that guide the program. Qualitative differences in CSFs exist between private- and public-sector entities for the same types of programs . When a program from the private sector is adapted for use in the…