The endocarps are tightly connected with the flesh of the fruits
The large-scale transoceanic pepper trade is also supported by the large ships that sailed to the ports of Limyrikê , where black pepper could be obtained . Only 1percent of all peppercorns originate from Shenshef. These peppercorns were scattered in several middens, were all preserved by desiccation, and can be considered as specimens that got…
The former one has smaller pods and seeds and include the red-cotyledon types
Although not on a regular scale, such aberrant fruits are also found in Egyptian markets and originate from Sudan. Seeds of the doam palm are made into beads. Strands of beads consisting of colored figs and whole as well as sliced seeds of the doam palm are currently offered for sale. Yet another use is…
Many old prescriptions are known for eye diseases and coughs
The caper bush is a successful invader of fields and is capable of producing flowering specimens even after a couple of weeks. Dealing with vegetable gardening, Pliny describes the cultivation of caper in sandy plots that have been hollowed out and surrounded by stone walls to prevent the invasion into other fields. In Berenike and Shenshef, the…
The nomadic way of life is basically determined by the sparseness of the desert vegetation.
The Derfaui well, located twelve hours walk southeast of Quseir, for example, will not run dry even after five years without rainfall . Nowadays, two wells in the vicinity of Berenike are in use. One is located in the salt marsh south of Berenike and consists of a large trench. Its water is clear but tastes…
Several reasons have been put forward for the southern location of Berenike
From there commodities were traded to Rhapta and the entrepôts along the Somalian coast. From a botanical point of view, the Cinnamon Road as described by Miller would have been a trade route for cassia in particular, as far as members of the genus Cinnamomum are concerned. True cinnamon is a native of Ceylon and the Malabar coast,…
Fenpropathrin treatment showed the longest and highest amount of activity
Because high numbers of mites were found drowned in the felt after exposure to spinetoram in the preliminary trial, an additional study was conducted beginning at the same time as the May 4, 2010 field trial by confining mites to the leaf disc and not allowing them to suicide in the moist felt. This was done…
There has been a significant amount of molecular work conducted with the Thysanoptera
In association with integrated pest management, methods that minimize the use of broad-spectrum insecticides are being developed . For example, increased use of natural enemies, mating disruption with pheromones, use of sterile insects, and genetic engineering of plants are all part of the arsenal being developed to manage insect pests. Acaricides and insecticides are commonly…
The increasing popularity of RMBD has been demonstrated in multiple studies
For SBP reactivity and recovery, effect sizes of persistent stressor exposure versus high childhood exposure were 58% higher, suggesting the combined impact of adversity across childhood and adulthood may be stronger than childhood exposure alone. Results using continuous stressor variables did not support a multiplicative effect of childhood and adulthood stressor exposures, thus there was…
Benet-Martinez et al. first examined BII using a cultural priming technique
Based upon these categorization criteria, result indicated that 41% of participants endorsed the integration strategy, 14% preferred the separation strategy, 11% endorsed the assimilation strategy, and 33% preferred the marginalization strategy. Participants were then categorized into four acculturation groups based on their implicit IAT D scores for comparison purposes. Similarly to the way the VIA…
Different anthocyanins have specific characteristics with respect to color and stability
At 28 DAV, grapes treated with one or two applications of 400 mg/L S-ABA presented total anthocyanin concentrations almost three times higher than the control. Even 3 weeks after the first application , berries treated with only one S-ABA application showed a total anthocyanin content similar to those treated with two S-ABA applications. Nonetheless, the second application…