The plants were watered daily for 52 days, then the plants were harvested and submitted to the LSU soil testing lab where an inductively coupled plasma device was used to measure the leaf tissue quantity. The procedure consisted of harvesting plant tops at the termination of the project and dried at 60˚C for 48 hours. One gram of ground plant material was transferred into a 20 ml scintillation vial and placed in an oven at 50˚C for 1 h to remove residual moisture. Vials were then transferred to desiccators for 1 h to further remove moisture and cool the sample to room temperature. The caps of each sample were tightened upon removal from the desiccators to prevent moisture from re-entering. The machine was calibrated using 5 National Institute of Standards and Technology apple tissue samples and 5 blank samples. Elements were analyzed by placing 0.5 g of tissue into a 50 ml tube . Funnels were placed in each tube, and samples were placed into an automatic digester for digestion using nitric acid. During the digestion, the samples are heated for 6 s at 60˚C and 2.2 ml of distilled water is added. After 2 m, 5 ml nitric acid was dispensed into each tube, and the temperature was increased 10˚C every 10 m from 60˚C to 110˚C. The temperature was increased to 125˚C and held for 45 m, and then held for 50 m at 128˚C, and cooled for 2 m. One ml of hydrogen peroxide was dispensed into each tube, cooled for 5 m, and reheated for 5 m to 128˚C. One ml of hydrogen peroxide was dispensed into each tube. Samples were cooled for 5 m and heated for 30 m at 122˚C, cooled for 6 seconds to 20˚C and cooled for one more minute. The volume of each sample was brought to 20 ml using distilled water. Samples were removed from the digester and vacuum filtered using a 1.0-micron Teflon membrane filter into another 20 ml tube. ICP was performed for Pb using a Spectro Arcos according to the LSU Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Lab’s AgMetals procedure. The instrument was calibrated using one blank and 6 standard samples. Samples were run in sets of 60 with two National Institute of Standards and Technology peach samples and an internal standard every 20 samples. The data was verified to ensure it was within the tolerant ranges of the NIST and internal standards. Lead levels were reported as ppm leaf dry weight.
Six trays were filled with an Olivier silt loam soil, three of which were covered with St. Augustinegrass and grown for 28 days before applying wind treatments . An anemometer was used to establish wind speeds prior to experimentation. After grass establishment, an 18” by 24” plenum directed wind onto the surface for one minute. A cloth bag made of fine mesh cotton collected displaced soil, which was measured to the nearest gram. Data was analyzed using an analysis of variance at the 0.05 level. All plants assimilated Pb to some extent regardless of light exposure.Brake fern successfully assimilated Pb in significantly increasingamounts respective to Pb soil concentrations ebb flow tray. Leaves of brake fern accumulated nearly 450 ppm in dried leaf tissue. This species has historically been documented as a hyperaccumulator in previous research . The importance of this is that it gives homeowners a shade loving plant that can be planted in deep shade near a tree where grass does not receive enough light to thrive. As previously stated, soil stabilization is just as important as phytoremediation reducing contaminated dust movement. Asian Jasmine leaf Pb content grown in control soil was significantly less than both the 250 and 500 ppm Pb soil treatments. Plant leaves assimilated low levels of Pb but did establish and grow successfully . Liriope “Big Blue” significantly assimilated Pb as soil rates increased. Leaf tissue accumulation remained below 15 ppm. All plants successfully grew regardless of Pb treatment . St. Augustinegrass successfully assimilated Pb from the contaminated soil. Leaf tissue Pb content approached 150 ppm when grown in 500 ppm contaminated soil. All rates were significantly different from each other with the highest content in 500 ppm soil . St. Augustinegrass is considered the most shade tolerant lawngrass in Louisiana. Turfgrass is an excellent groundcover in urban landscapes and resists erosion. Variegated liriope plants successfully assimilated Pb from the soil. Plants assimilated between 50 and 60 ppm Pb for the 250 and 500 ppm Pb soil treatments, and both were statistically similar . Both treatments were greater than the control plants. Asian jasmine plants grown in control soil had significantly lower Pb levels compared to the 250 and 500 ppm Pb soil treatments. Plant leaves assimilated low levels of Pb and established and grew successfully .
Asparagus fern accumulated low levels of Pb in fronds for 250 and 500 ppm soil Pb soil treatments . The control fronds accumulated significantly less Pb than all other soil treatments. All plants established and grew successfully regardless of soil Pb levels. Bermudagrass established and grew in all soil Pb treatments . The control accumulated significantly lower levels of tissue Pb. Soil treatments accumulated statistically similar concentrations of leaf tissue Pb. Increased wind speed significantly displaced soil at both 25 and 50 mph compared to the control . Soil accumulated from the unplanted soil treatment at 50 mph wind speed resulted in greater than 11 times more than the 25 mph unplanted treatment. St. Augustinegrass planted trays lost less than 1 g of soil and less soil was accumulated at both wind speeds compared to the soil treatment. Although this was only a single wind event, it shows the effectiveness of planting groundcovers to stabilize soil movement. This is critically important in an urban landscape, especially where soils are deemed contaminated. A dense sward of grass deeply rooted provided leaves, stolons and fine roots protecting the soil surface from erosion. There are many previous studies that have documented plant uptake of Pb from contaminated soils . The use of landscape plants in this study did show successful assimilation of Pb into leaf tissue . Industrial phytoremediation and phytoextraction succeed using trees in deeply contaminated aquifers . The importance of this is that integrating landscape plants into the urban landscape accomplishes both phytoremediation and aesthetics. Equally important is the ability of plants serving to stabilize soil resisting wind and water erosion. Fontenot et al. determined that swards of turfgrass in a brine field increased plant coverage, therefore reducing dust and soil movement. Both grass species tested were adapted to a highly saline brine yard solid waste surface impoundment. Plant adaptability to specific harsh environments is often the reason specific species are selected.The use of multiple species to reduce nutrient movement has been demonstrated to be effective . Combining the use of ornamental trees, shrubs, grasses, and groundcovers capable of soil stabilization and phytoremediation would be helpful in reducing the movement of contaminated soil. Reducing contaminated dust that can enter the home and expose young children to Pb is a benefit of phytostabilization .
Environmental efforts have been used successfully to reduce Pb contaminated sites using plants . Bush et al. determined that grass rooting strength and penetration force was increased using a coastal grass . Successful soil stabilization using St. Augustinegrass is an example of an ornamental grass plant that significantly reduces wind-blown soil . Bush et al. did show that with increased Zn rates trees assimilated increased concentrations. Combining the use of ornamental plants capable of soil extraction, phytoremediation, and stabilization with home landscape aesthetics could prove to be as effective as non-ornamental phytoremediation species used in the past for waste site remediation.The modernization of agriculture through the adoption of new crop production techniques is one of the solutions to the problems of food insufficiency. These problems are linked to the galloping growth of the world’s population, which increased from 3 to 7 billion people between 1960 and 2011. The magnitude of this population growth has resulted in the depletion of available resources. Aware of the consequences of this, flood and drain tray many organizations such as the FAO have implemented several strategies since 1947 in order to increase agricultural production. These strategies were largely based on encouraging farmers to use fertilizers, farm machinery and pesticides to increase their. Years later, the benefits were felt. The only thing that was talked about was the effectiveness of pesticides on target species. Since then, the use of these plant protection products was considered a prerequisite for successful agricultural production. As part of this agricultural development trend, Côte d’Ivoire has been using modern crop protection methods based on the use of phytosanitary products for several decades. Of the large family of pesticides, herbicides represent to date, the most used phytosanitary product in agriculture. In Côte d’Ivoire, for the year 2016 alone, the quantity of pesticides imported is estimated at 20,000 tons, two-thirds of which were herbicides. Their massive uses are justified by the fact that they reduce the cost of labor and mitigate the ardor of work. 63.64% of imported herbicides are for horticulture. According to the most used are glyphosate and nicosulfuron. Yet horticulturists use glyphosate in combination with 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic . They accounted for 41.04% of the herbicides registered by the Ivorian government in 2012.
Notwithstanding their advantages, the recurrent and often uncontrolled use of these herbicides is subject to sharp criticism due to their environmental effects. In many cases, studies have shown that the amount of herbicide that comes into contact with target organisms during plant protection treatments is minimal. It is estimated at 0.3% against 97.7% of the treatment discharged into the environment. It seems therefore important, even primordial to carry out studies, in order to know the impact of these herbicides in the various compartments of the environment mainly the soil, the first environmental receiver of the drifts of herbicides. Among the animals that can be used as bioindicators to assess soil contamination, snails are the most suitable. They live at the soil-plant-air interface and are a component of the soil fauna. They are primary consumers and decomposers. Previous studies have been conducted in an effort to learn the impact of pesticides on the growth of juvenile snails. Most of these studies have been largely conducted in the laboratory, away from environmental conditions. Yet environmental factors influence the behavior of herbicides during plant protection treatments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2,4-D, glyphosate, and nicosulfuron on snail growth and reproduction in situ.The breeders were distributed in five breeding tanks at a rate of 12 animals per tank. Each tank was labelled according to the weight mass of the individuals. The snails were fed every two days with leaves and fruits of papaya at a rate of 10 gfor the leaves and 50 g for the fruits, that is to say 60 g of food per tank. The decomposed wood, previously dried and crushed, was used as litter. The thickness of the litter was 10 cm. To humidify the environment, 500 mL of fountain water was added. The bedding was changed twice a week. The bins were inspected daily between 9 and 10 am to remove waste from the the environment and to recover eggs in case of egg laying. The eggs obtained in the bins were then transferred to plastic boxes. The boxes were 30 in number. Each of these boxes contained 200 g of dried and ground decaying wood and 50 broodstock eggs. The whole was moistened with 50 mL of fountain water. A total of 30 environments were prepared. After about two weeks of incubation, the eggs hatched. Two g of papaya leaves were placed in the environment after the eggs hatched to serve as food for the spat. The food was renewed every two days. The four-week-old spat were placed on environment of the same composition as the rearing environment at a rate of 20 individuals per tank. Ecotoxicological tests were carried out on this second generation of Achatina fulica individuals. The culture environment was prepared in plastic tanks of dimensions 42 cm × 32 cm × 22 cm.The experimental plot was subdivided into four elementary plots 5 m apart.