Often apparent water savings increase water use elsewhere in the system
How those reductions are allocated among Imperial Valley agriculture—the single largest user of Colorado River water— and the two largest southern California wholesale water agencies—Metropolitan Water District of Southern California , supplying 19 million people, and the San Diego County Water Authority , supplying 3.3 million people, will create challenges. While the reductions will create…
The loading and unloading cycle are characterized by pronounced hysteresis
Similar results have been found in allotetraploid Brassica juncea, in which many dominant homoeologs have been found to be related to glucosinolate biosynthesis and to show signs of positive selection.We present what is, to our knowledge, the first chromosome-scale genome assembly for an octoploid strawberry—the highest-level polyploid genome of this quality assembled to date. Analysis…
Forward contracts were more available for vegetable growers than for fruit/nut growers
In California, they are planted and harvested continuously throughout the year, which results in relatively smooth yield fluctuations on an annual basis. Crop-specific deviations are also presented in Table D1 . Except for tropical and V5 crops , the deviations tended to be around the mean. We also investigated the deviation at the regional level.…
Acreage climbed by over 500% in both organic berry categories
Strawberries are the undisputed leader in the berry sector and in 2014 represented 58% and 94% of the value of all berry production in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, respectively , and 50% and 93% of all berry acreage . Table 2 documents the remarkable expansion of the strawberry industry over time in both counties…
It is not my intent to disregard their stories or downplay the importance of their contributions
You know, the vegetables are great up there, everything is so beautiful. And you come down, I think we get ours last off the truck” .A Latina wearing denim overalls raises her fist. In the other hand she grips a trowel. Flanking her left, an African American woman triumphantly holds up two ears of corn…
The renewed interest in urban agriculture should come as no surprise
Yet rarely have investigators tied performance or mortality of individuals within a species population to subtle differences in aspect that occur within a single population . Here we found that aspect was the strongest predictor of dieback over time, with plants in SW aspects showing greater dieback than plants on more north-facing aspects. This influence…
Manzanita dieback has previously been causally associated with Bot. infection
Large-scale, long-term monitoring using these tools would allow researchers to retrieve data in areas that have previously been inaccessible, while also gaining a larger scale understanding of drought impacts. They ultimately will enable future studies to reveal more nuanced patterns across the landscape and between years of varying climatic conditions. Plant pest and disease outbreaks…
The final analysis used Virulence Finder to identify virulence genes for all of the isolates
Feral pigs are also attracted to agricultural areas for food, water and mates, which facilitates direct or indirect pathogen transmission. States at greatest risk for increased contact between feral and domestic pigs and consequential potential disease transmission, are those regions containing large populations of feral pigs living near outdoor-raised domestic pigs reared with low levels…
Peas must be picked every 2–4 days to ensure quality and continued production
The brush is usually good for two to three years. One- and two-inch chicken wire will also suffice. Unlike beans, peas aren’t a heavy plant or fruit, thus they don’t need as strong a fence. In fact, garden twine run vertically or woven between horizontal 2x4s makes a biodegradable/compostable trellis. String on a wooden A-frame…
Photoperiod affects the transcript abundance of PHYA and PHYB in grape leaves
ERF1 and ERF2 are at the beginning of the ethylene signaling pathway and are direct targets of EIN3. Other ERF transcription factors identified as hubs in the ethylene signaling pathway in Arabidopsis leaves were also differentially expressed in a similar manner as ERF1 and ERF2 between the two locations .The common gene set for both locations represented approximately 25%…