Irrigation technics are very poorly developed in banana and plantain production systems
The use of manures and crop associations have significant negative effects on the presence of Fusariumsp while the use of biopesticides, irrigation and trap plants have significant negative effects on its presence. The use of biopesticides, agrochemicals, trap plants,crop rotation and crop association have significant negative effects on the presence of nematodes while cultivar resistance,…
Maize grain plays a critical role as a food and cash crop for over 32 million households in Sub-Saharan Africa
The third noticeable factor is the size of farm. The last century witnessed the significant land consolidation in the US agriculture. “Be large, or be out” is almost a common knowledge to all farmers. The high percentage of capital and land was under control of large farms makes the conversion to organic farming a predicament…
The standard of living of farmers can be in itself the institutional failure
The strength and appeal of a paradigm is therefore more than a mere methodological orientation. It is a way of grasping reality and giving it meaning and predictability.Campbell , well known for his outstanding contribution to the development of the experimental quantitative approach, has recently shown that, as a specialist in research methodology, he must…
The GIS approach allows areas of peak demand to be delineated and quantified by sub-basins
The possibility of GIS for easily creating and changing scenarios allows the consideration of multiple alternatives of irrigation scheduling, including the adoption of crop specific irrigation management options.Scenarios may include different irrigation scheduling options inside the same project area applied to selected fields, crops, or sub-areas corresponding to irrigation sectors. This allows tailoring irrigation management…
A null model means that species are insensitive to agricultural intensification
The difference between achievable to realized yield is known as “yield gap” and has been long debated. While some authors propose that intensification can fill this gap,others suggest that agroecological methods will better succeed.At this regard, carefully planned resource-conserving agricultural systems may increase yields at the same time sequestering carbon and thus contributing to climate…
The Cloud can also scale to support large numbers of service requests
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 overviews related work. Section 3 analyzes the requirement for intelligent pig farming.The development of smart pig farming is being enabled by many technologe such as the new generation artificial intelligence, Industrial Internet and Internet of Things.The new generation artificial intelligence is evolving from simulating…
The planting unit was calibrated in the workshop to assess rate of seed discharge and damage
The study also reported that turmeric supplementation inhibited hepatic fattyacid synthase activity and increased beta oxidation of fatty acids. Curcumin has been shown to specifically deregulate FAS , leading to an effective reduction in fat storage. However, the effect of turmeric on FAS activity is not well established . According to , turmeric can be…
Average land holdings of 1.3 to 2.7 ha have been reported for the highlands of Ethiopia
During 2017-2018, Kasetsart University Foundation supported farmer leader networks to establish 13 soil clinics in 4 provinces of rice production. Thai farmers previously used the traditional one-size-fits-all method of blanket fertilizer application recommendations. The TFT-Smart-Farming for small-holder farmers has been developed and adapted from the concepts of precision agriculture since 1997, and can be considered…
The elimination of excess fertilisers is a good option for reducing GHG emissions and energy consumption
Most of the emissions associated with rice production are related to water management and nitrogen fertilisers .Water and straw management related practices are the most effective in reducing emissions from paddy fields.Methane emissions depend on the combination of flooded and dry periods in the field, the management of straw and organic matter and the duration…
The instrument was pre-tested to ensure its validity and reliability
These sections were selected based on the dominant practice of upland rice farming. The natural vegetation in these communities consists of secondary forest or farm bush with small trees or shrubs as a result of frequent felling of trees for farming. In each Section, a list of farmers practising slash-and-burn agriculture on the uplands was…