The weak effect of fertilizer quantity used in the food crop farming traduces the low level of its farming intensification
In fact, our data reveal that 0.029 tons per hectare of fertilizer in average are supplied annually for maize farming in the region, while three tons per hectare are supplied for cotton farming in central Togo. Further, a cross-country comparison of the yield also confirms that the food crops have been discriminated against in terms…
Farming interventions were introduced to improve inter crop diversity suitable to the local agro-climatic conditiona
Fiorella et al. also reported that agricultural interventions to diversify production to improve nutrition status by supporting consumption of diverse nutritious foods, which are often vitamin A rich food, and/or dark green leafy vegetables. Nutrition security therefore has to bead dressed by both availability and accessibility of nutrient rich foods at household level, and nutrition…
Aeromonas are unicellular water bacteria that may cause FIOs
The presence of the coliform group and E. coli indicate fecal contamination of food. Certain levels of S. aureus are considered as the bio-indicators of the sanitary quality of products by the food industry .Data retrieved from the Brazilian Health Ministry have shown that animal-derived foods such as meat are involved in foodborne illness outbreaks.Water…
This is due that prior to the increase of schooling, radio was the only device used in communities
Even with the recognized importance that education has an essential role in the behavioral change process, especially in relation to ethical and sustainable consumption,contributing to environmental improvement, the education in Brazilianrural areas has faced many difficulties through the years. It happens due the agricultural development model implemented in Brazil defended an education model facing urban…
Agro-biodiversity is one such portion has vital linkages to the socioeconomic stability of the region
The insitu biodiversity conservation at farm level as set asides through buffer habitat management would maintain naturally occurring and evolving populations of agriculturally useful species within their natural environment. Innovative approaches like bio-banking as adaptive participatory approach at farm and/or community level needed for in-situ conservation. In this direction institutional role is greatest to achieve…
No farmer is aware that small mega child bees do pollinating Vanilla crop in coffee-banana farming system in Uganda
Not only that farmers did not know the role of bees but the role played by other pollinators to help crops getting better yields for most of crops they grow remain largely unknown . In fact 75% of males and 50% of female respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with statement number 11, meaning that they…
The rugged troll and rugged barrow, both are easy-to-use software aquatic data logging instruments
These loggers respond to changes in water and air pressure and require compensation to remove the effects of air pressure using a separate barometriclogger.The rugged troll measures water temperature and water level while the rugged barrow measures atmospheric pressure. Both instruments have completely sealed bodies that contain non-vented pressure sensor, temperature sensor, real-time clock, microprocessor,…
Each venture was treated as a new idea without reference to other past experiences
A mixed farming system is now practiced in which livestock owners use manure from their animals to fertilise their fields and those who do not keep animals, buy or secure freely chicken droppings to use for their vegetable gardening like in Sangani. According to a focus group discussion in 2014, I was informed that farm…
The Northern territories were meant like all other colonies to provide raw materials for the European economy
Fynn explained the events of the Ashante’s invasion of the Northern territories in the mid-16th century by Opoku Ware ,he listed the weaponry used by the Dagomba cavalry as traditional. They consisted of laces, spears, and sabres while Bowdich mentions other weapons used like bows and arrows, javelin and clubs. These traditional weapons are labelled…
SAP aimed at alleviating poverty and bringing about economic growth
The challenges of theft, pests and diseases pose a threat to production and sustainability of the farming systems as lower incomes from farming can be expected as a result of low yields. This will negatively impact on farmers’ ability to finance farm operations. Land is a finite resource that cannot be increased indefinitely.Efforts to increase…