The soil seed bank refers to all living seeds in the soils and is an important component of the ecosystem
Patterns of reverse correlation are no exception and are also observed in other countries, such as Germany . This may both be due to purely economic reasoning and psychological factors related to the different attitudes of farmers, which limit the choices available to them in terms of how to manage their farms . Particularly noteworthy areas…
The literature differentiates between co-evolution within an industry path and co-evolution between industry paths
The latter has a distinct tacit dimension. This is informal knowledge that has not been documented or made explicit by those who possess and use it and it has a certain degree of uniqueness. In the literature, knowledge bases have often been portrayed in their ‘pure’ forms, and it has been argued that industries tend…
The entrepreneurial status is the average of the normalised income and normalised farm size
To get informed about the expected income in the new market, the farmer has the chance to collect the technical- and management efficiency factors of one farmer whom already produces for that market every time-step. In the model this looks as follows: every month, all farmers interact with one random farmer in their network , all farmers…
The focus of the prototype is on sensing and controlling the conditions via light and misting
The interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire comprising questions in three categories: i) use case definition, including the problem context, core idea, objective, development status, etc.; ii) use case mapping, including main business processes targeted, objects addressed, main actors using the envisaged system; and iii) use case information architecture, including the main functionalities/services…
Minor modifications were done in this toolbox to synchronise communication time to simulate complex models
RFs selection was based on a review of existing farms in schools and their compatibility with Quito’s educational program. For simulation, lettuce mono-crops were used because of their compatibility with Quito’s climate. Table 2 depicts the crops relevant characteristics. Following this there is a brief description of the three RF system assessed, and Appendix B…
It was found that HLScale showed more accurate toxicity prediction than did σCon
Tolerance to B toxicity may differ significantly not only between species, but also within the same species. The identification and characterization of varieties of crops that are tolerant to B toxicity is consequently a key issue as regards improving agricultural yields in soils with excessive B concentrations. This work has been performed with two local maize…
Multivariate analysis explores and simplifies complex datasets comprising multiple variables
The normal distribution of salinity score, observed in the 50 rice accessions used in this experiment, is suggestive of the polygenic nature of the trait, thus confirming earlier findings. The present investigation revealed 17 SSR markers, and 43 alleles in the 50 genotypes. Among these markers, the number of alleles per locus varied between two…
Evidence of a negative effect of integration with hydroponics on the benefits of using BFT was found
The transporters located on the vacuole membrane are activated to compartmentalize Cd-phytochelatin complexes from the cytosol into vacuoles. The AtCAXs were reported to transfer Cd into vacuoles to mitigate damage to plants under Cd stress. Previous studies reported that ATP-binding cassette transporters located on the vacuole membrane, such as OsHMA3 in rice and AtABCC1 and AtABCC2…
The molar percentages of DPhP in cell walls of roots were comparable to those in the cell sap
The proportion of TnBP in cell walls of shoots increased dramatically from 19% at 24 h to 43% at 72 h,suggesting translocation from the roots to shoots. However, less than 10% of TPhP in shoots subcellular fractions were found during exposure,which proved that TPhP did not readily transfer to shoots. Subcellular distributions of organophosphate diesters…
A control algorithm has been implemented to alter the growth environment by activating pumps and other actuators
The results showed that the maximum yield of wheat fodder was obtained using fluorescent light. Mosallam et al. studied the impact of different light sources such as natural, fluorescent, compact fluorescent, and LED light on barley fodder yield. The duration of light exposure was from 6.0 to 24 hr per day for all selected light sources.…