A peristaltic pump was used to pull the air through the cartridge at a rate of approximately at 800 mL/min for 1 hour
A recent short-term field study collected indoor air quality measurements at the PBC to investigate the performance of the bio-filtration air cleaning system. The study focused primarily on VOCs and aldehydes and collected measurements at several locations in the building representing the transfer pathway of air moving through the building starting on the roof outdoors…
These processes begin with seeding and end when the biomass is taken to harvest
The suspension is filtered to remove aggregated TMV CP, yielding a clarified and partially purified API-containing solution and is then sterile- filtered . In-process controls are applied throughout downstream processing unit operations to determine reagent volumes and assess yield and quality at key steps. To adequately meet the projected initial annual market demand for a rectal…
The average grain Zn concentration of potting mix-grown control plants was similar to that of field-grown wheat
In this work, net remobilization is defined as the loss of stored mineral content over time from one organ, and subsequent accumulation of that mineral content into another organ. Because net change in mineral content over time is a function of influx and efflux of nutrients, net remobilization will be detected only when efflux exceeds…
Four-week-old plants with two or three true leaves were grown hydroponically as described previously
In our experimental format, all three cultivars are susceptible to P. capsici. ‘New Yorker’ seeds were obtained from a commercial source . The homozygous ABA-deficient mutants sitiens and flacca were compared with their isogenic, wild-type background, ‘Rheinlands Ruhm,’ and seeds for these were obtained from the C. M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center, University of…
Reductase activity for the same accessions grown under low Fe conditions varied only 10-fold
The biomass increase of the plants without external N was most likely supported by the pool of internal N in the plant. At the time the external N supply was removed, the N content in the plants was above their CNC. The critical nitrogen content of a tissue is defined as the lowest amount of…
The trade remedy laws are collectively known as “administered” protection
Economists have found that the initial filing of a case often disrupts imports, irrespective of the final legal determination. The AD statute comes under Section 731 of the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930 , as amended. A related statute is Section 701, which applies to subsidized exports from foreign suppliers. Under Section 701, if a…
Kraajj and Connell have measured the root-to-soil bio-concentration of a series of chlorobenzenes in soybean roots
The TSCF accounts for the reduction in concentration in the pore water as it crosses the root membrane and moves through the xylem to the stem. Thus, the TSCF represents the ratio of contaminant concentration in the xylem stream of the stem, mg/L, to contaminant concentration in soil solution, mg/L. Hsu et al. and Burken…
Final rinsing for each plant was always performed with a fresh solution
The funnel was placed in the centrifuge tube and incubated in the 65Zn solution for 60 min, with the fluid level coming to the full level of the funnel spout to fully immerse the roots. To avoid generating a large amount of radioactive waste all plants were incubated in the same tube. For the first…
Relationship to place is powerful and fundamental to human experience
In addition, investigation of monovalent cation selectivity of OsHKT1;4 expressed in oocytes bathed in solutions containing solo cation-chloride salts further revealed that this transporter is highly selective for Na+ amongst Li+ , K+ , Rb+ , Cs+ , Na+ , and NH4 + . These results indicate that OsHKT1;4 is a Na+ transporter. HKT proteins…
The remaining variables are standard in cross-country growth equations
As mentioned earlier, short-term increases in yield should appear directly in the GDP accounts if land under cultivation is relatively fixed in the short term, and agricultural output constitutes a sizable share of GDP. Table 5 presents fixed effects OLS estimators for equation , covering five-year growth periods from 1965 to 2000. Consistent with the…