The Na+ and K+ contents of roots and shoots were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
In other words, CIPK24 probably functions as a major component downstream of the CBL4-mediated pathway, alternative or additional kinases other than CIPK24 are likely to be involved in the CBL10-mediated pathway. Among all the single and double mutants, sos1 was the most severely affected with similar phenotype to all the double mutants combining cbl10 and…
Chlorpyrifos has been previously reported to be resistant to enhanced degradation in soils
The distribution coefficients for chlorpyrifos in a variety of soils range from 45 to 1300 L kg -1 . PTE is a zinc metalloenzyme that was initially isolated from strains of soil bacteria capable of hydrolyzing a variety of organophosphate compounds, including agricultural pesticides and chemical warfare agents . This enzyme is reportedly responsible for…
Transgenic production is the simplest form of molecular pharming
To arrive there, we need to transition from Earth-reliant to Earth-independent mission architecture. Agencies like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and European Space Agencyhave developed exceptional life support systems for Earth-reliant human missions into space. Carefully planned medicine, food, and environmental control re-supply shuttles working in concert with on-board environmental control and life support systems…
White furthers these developments by adapting Gericke’s original system to operate vertically
White’s thoughts on vegetation-bearing architecture crystallize in his patent of 1938, yet notions of a green wall emerge as early as 1931 in his lectures and writings on the modern garden. Although the intended audiences for White’s early writings on vertical greenery are not yet apparent, the idea of a vegetation bearing garden enclosure preoccupies him for…
The increased exudation of amino acids is likely an active defense response of the cucumber plant
The aromatic region comprises many characteristic signals of secondary metabolites,which play a crucial role in plant defense to environmental stress.As shown in Figure S5 C, nano-Cu/Cu ions altered the pattern of some secondary metabolites. We further identified those bins to corresponding compounds. However, due to the extremely low concentration and high baseline, it was difficult to…
Efforts were made to use vigorous seedlings of similar size
Self-seed from two heterozygous BC5S1 individuals and two heterozygous BC5S2 individuals were screened for recombinants via marker-assisted selection . Individuals that contained recombination events within the chromosome 9 fine-mapped stm9 region were selected, grown to maturity, and allowed to self-pollinate to produce seed of fully homozygous individual sub-NILs in the BC5S2 or BC5S3 generation . Recombinant homozygous individual sub-NILs…
Smaller NPs have been demonstrated to have higher accumulation in plants than larger NPs
It should be noted that detection of NPs within plant tissue via TEM is challenging,but based on our stability studies of the 64Cu-radiolabeled NPs along with the short exposure time that the observed uptake was attributed to intact [64Cu]-NP transport through the roots and into the cotyledons. This study has shown that NPs were transported…
A peristaltic pump was used to pull the air through the cartridge at a rate of approximately at 800 mL/min for 1 hour
A recent short-term field study collected indoor air quality measurements at the PBC to investigate the performance of the bio-filtration air cleaning system. The study focused primarily on VOCs and aldehydes and collected measurements at several locations in the building representing the transfer pathway of air moving through the building starting on the roof outdoors…
These processes begin with seeding and end when the biomass is taken to harvest
The suspension is filtered to remove aggregated TMV CP, yielding a clarified and partially purified API-containing solution and is then sterile- filtered . In-process controls are applied throughout downstream processing unit operations to determine reagent volumes and assess yield and quality at key steps. To adequately meet the projected initial annual market demand for a rectal…
The average grain Zn concentration of potting mix-grown control plants was similar to that of field-grown wheat
In this work, net remobilization is defined as the loss of stored mineral content over time from one organ, and subsequent accumulation of that mineral content into another organ. Because net change in mineral content over time is a function of influx and efflux of nutrients, net remobilization will be detected only when efflux exceeds…