The challenge remains to identify effective traits and genetic variability useful for breeding
Hierarchical clustering analysis of the etiological agents revealed Salmonella, Norovirus, and Escherichia as the three most important biological hazards based on the number of outbreaks, illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths . In addition, the compilation of these data has enabled the identification of high priority pairs for breeding programs geared toward improving microbial safety of produce . These systems…
The evidence does not support gross substitution between almonds and walnuts
The major policy implication from Figure 6A; however, is that the real grower price, adjusted for inflation, has been steadily decreasing over the 1970-2001 period. The 2001 real grower price of almonds was barely over 50 cents per pound down from the peak real price of about $3.00 per pound in 1973. A causal glance…
A similar match of nitrate distributions has been reported in other studies as well
Although these studies demonstrate well the importance of numerical modelling in the design and management of irrigation and fertigation systems for various crops, most studies involving salinity and nitrate leaching are based on either an analysis of hypothetical scenarios, or are carried out for annual crops. Hence, there is a need to carry out modelling…
The percentage of plants that showed typical die back symptoms was recorded at harvest maturity
With “urban farming” now part of the vernacular, agriculture has spread beyond its rural roots: now New York City has its own farmer training project, San Francisco’s municipal code encourages urban “micro farms,” and Chicago has a vibrant commercial urban agriculture program. With concerns over climate change on the rise, the term “resilient” has joined…
Non-cell-autonomous gene silencing was first shown in tobacco with the nitrate reductase gene
Explants taken from tissue immediately adjacent to the graft junction were able to grow on selective media for both constructs and fluorescence from nuclei and plastids was detected. This outcome was not due to cellular fusion but rather to the exchange of large sections of plastid DNA. However, the study did not exclude the possibility that…
Most reported applications use open-loop control to bring the end-effector to its target
Agricultural robots offer the possibility of automated data collection with a suite of complementary sensing modalities, concurrently, from large numbers of plants, at many different locations, under widely ranging environmental conditions. Large amounts of such data can enhance our ability to calibrate regression models or train classification algorithms, in particular deep learning networks, which are…
Variation in cold injury also was observed among different scions on ‘Curtis’ seedling root stock
Moriana et al. investigated the effect of water stress on ‘Kerman’ grafted onto three pistachio root stocks . All three root stocks showed dehydration leading to reduction in vegetative growth and number of leaves, while root weight was promoted. UCB1 was least affected by drought stress and P. atlantica also showed good tolerance. Drought stress…
Seeds produced from such plants could be propagated
The reasons for this are manifold and interconnected; however, most stem from two primary issues. First, many horticultural crops have been traditionally understudied because their lifecycle, genomic structure, or inability to regenerate via tissue culture, are not amenable to methods used in functional genomics. This leads directly to the second reason: many of the genes that…
Marriages and divorces are often precipitated by pregnancies
To ensure results were not an artifact of curtailing men’s later potential reproductive lifespan, all tests were rerun, dropping men who had not yet reached their fifty-fifth birthday . The majority of the sample are ethnic Pimbwe, but a small percentage are Fipa, Rungwe, Konongo, or other related ethnicities represented in the Rukwa Valley; the few Sukuma…
Grapefruit scions are much slower in expressing symptoms
Orange scions on sour orange appear to be most susceptible to tristeza, followed by mandarin scions. When tristeza infected the old Citrus Variety Collection at Riverside, which was on sour orange, most of the orange cultivars were in advanced stages of decline before the first mandarin combinations began to express symptoms.Young grapefruit trees on sour…