Plant uptake of N is mostly from inorganic forms in the soil water
The temporal context for this analysis is a dramatic increase in the publication rate of original research articles within the journal World Development, against which several other trends stand out . First, there has been a decrease in the reliance on the term “development” to discuss the associated issues, with the per cent of articles…
Anaerobic conditions in the flooded soil inhibit SOM decomposition
At one border point in Malawi, FEWS NET monitors estimate the volume of informal maize trade tolerated by officials to be 200 metric tons per month. This compares to formal export volumes that have occasionally been as high as 10,000 metric tons or more through this border point in non-ban months. At an unofficial border…
Agricultural social welfare reaches its highest level amongst all scenarios
With respect to alternative accession arrangements, as we move from full CAP to two-tier CAP to no CAP, we are simultaneously decreasing price supports and tariffs while we increase moneys targeted to public goods. This movement corresponds to increase in output decreases in commodity prices, and a dramatic increase in agricultural social welfare. Thus, in…
Approximately 353 of the 530 communities in the southern CV are considered DACs
Controls in this sense straddle the nature-culture divide, seeking to offer a more balanced analytical hinge between two literatures – STS and postcolonial studies – that do not always endeavor to take their dialogue into greater theoretical depths. Finally, all this can, and should, be applied reflexively. As I was writing these concluding pages, one…
These research results were passed on to extension agents before they would get to farmers
As the first project coordinator recounted, since the project’s preparatory missions the focus was on the possibilities for technical cooperation with the research institutes, rather than finding solutions to the cotton sector at large. However, even if the local research institutes were not formally submitted to the cotton companies, and neither were the latter the…
Coverage can be provided for by using the residue of the crops that rotate with cotton
The soil in some of the peasant cotton fields I visited in Mali and Burkina Faso was so hard and light-colored that one would be amazed at how such a fragile a plant could ever have sprouted and grown in there. In genetic terms, these cotton plants are not fundamentally different; they came from either the…
The second focus in the capacity-building demonstrations concerned public policies for agriculture
In other words, the sheer existence and full-fledged operation of a public research institute was portrayed not as something to be taken for granted, but as the outcome of an active, continuous work of persuasion and building the right alliances with political groups and constituencies, both domestically and abroad. Those in African institutes did perform…
This is less the case of front liners who had a longer-term engagement in cooperation activities
As the video comes to a close and one hears increasingly loud background music playing the Brazilian national anthem in samba rhythm, the narrator concludes during a shot of Embrapa employees wearing white coats with hands on their hearts: “And it is for this country, a star and master player in tropical agriculture, that we…
G estimates comparisons resulted in a slightly closer agreement across vineyards and within years
The five soil heat flux measurements collected over the vineyard interrow were corrected to represent a surface approximation by accounting for the heat storage in the overlying soil layer. Once G observations were corrected to the surface level, the individual half-hourly measurements of the soil heat flux were averaged to produce a representative G flux for each vineyard .ETa…
Official technical cooperation in agriculture remains fundamentally driven by Itamaraty
In the Brazilian public sphere, there hasn’t been much debate on its growing status as a provider of cooperation – even if, as one of my interlocutors in diplomacy claimed, there is always a press that will “pick on whatever the government does”. Indeed, in the national media, Congressional debates and in informal conversations with…