The agriculturally relevant climate in Yolo County has changed over the past century
Wheat is successfully adapted to conditions in the southern Central Valley where it is generally warmer in the winter than it is in Yolo County. For alfalfa production, a warmer winter is expected to provide favorable conditions, particularly since alfalfa varieties commonly planted in northern California are either semi‐dormant or non‐dormant . In the Sacramento…
A lack of technology and equipment compounds resource challenges for staff disseminating messages to farmers
The 85 organizations identified by participants are involved in the transfer of knowledge throughout Malawi’s extension and this network contains 170 unique relationships. Although the average degree of collaboration between organizations is low at 6.2, several organizations and actors were identified as central to network connectedness and the transfer of knowledge within the extension system.…
Challenges exist in implementing effective services for maize farmers
The randomness and uncertainty that affect agriculture make it unreasonable to assume that the adjustment process will lead to a unique sustainable market equilibria. The equilibria levels of prices and quantities of different commodities depend on many random variables and, thus, are random variables themselves. The introduction as part of the dynamic adjustment rules to…
An increase in labor utilization might be expected if national income declined
Spain’s agricultural employment declined at an average annual rate of 4 percent, slightly above the rate for Italy and France. The implication is that if Bulgaria is to follow the development path of these latter countries, then it should be reducing its farm labor force at an even faster rate. The success of such a…
Education is not expected to have any effect on agricultural wages
Additional farm work experience, on the other hand, is expected to increase wages since experience raises productivity at least initially. We use data from the U. S. Department of Labor’s National Agricultural Workers Survey to estimate the effects of worker characteristics on work histories and the relationship between current agricultural wages and work histories. The probabilities…
Multitrait models fit the data much better without the inclusion of taxonomy
For floral resource specialization, for each pollinator species in our data, we calculated the metric d 0 , which measures the deviation of the observed interaction frequency from a null model in which all partners interact in proportion to their abundances ; thus, it is not confounded with abundance as is linkage . It ranges…
The search for agricultural solutions should remain technology neutral
Our analysis demonstrates that four core strategies can—in principle— meet future food production needs and environmental challenges if deployed simultaneously. Adding them together, they increase global food availability by 100–180%, meeting projected demands while lowering greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity losses, water use and water pollution. However, all four strategies are needed to meet our global…
C2VSim was used to extract a generalized groundwater flow field for the study area
They used MODFLOW and particle tracking to trace the recharged water and concluded that the GIS analysis alone did not necessarily identify the most suitable sites. Likewise, Rahman et al. recommended that mathematical modeling should be combined with MCDA techniques to select optimal MAR locations even if a wide variety of thematic layers are considered in the…
Each dataset was mapped to the predicted gene set using CLC Genomics
The MAKER predictions formed the basis of the first official gene set . To improve the structural and functional annotation of genes, these gene predictions were manually and collaboratively edited using the interactive curation software Apollo. For a given gene family, known insect genes were obtained from model species, especially T. castaneum and D. melanogaster, and the nucleotide…
Efforts by health leaders to improve eating habits and encourage exercise have barely moved the scales
After the release of the new Envision 2040 General Plan in 2011, the city moved quickly on changes to support urban agriculture. In January 2012, in an amendment to Title 20 of the San Jose Municipal Code, the Zoning Ordinance, a new ordinance was approved to allow Neighborhood Agriculture as a permitted use in residential…