Various chemical methods have been used to modify agricultural wastes in recent decades
The results are presented in Table 2. Individuals with higher NEP scores were more likely to favor the ‘‘don’t build’’ option over the ‘‘build out’’ option, for both open space and agricultural land. Individuals living closer to farms were more likely to favor the ‘‘don’t build’’ option over building single-family homes on agricultural land, and…
This labor substitution has potential to further mitigate contraction in times of crisis
Column 3a reports estimates of the previous coefficient α on the interacted variable for Equation 3. This equation also includes a triple interaction coefficient γ with female to determine the impact of drought on females. This coefficient γ is listed in column 3b. When we look at the female interaction that is added in column…
Overexpression of osmotin in transgenic plants delayed disease symptoms from fungal pathogens
Plants have evolved diverse mechanisms to defend against fungal infections, as summarized in Fig. 1, with one important route utilizing the secretion of proteins to delay fungal infection or inhibit fungal growth. These plant anti-fungal proteins are promising candidates since they are biodegradable, generally nontoxic to humans and antagonistic microorganisms, and most importantly, have evolved…
Location-specific parameters are fundamental to the scalability of process-based models
These practices, which largely overlap with “conservation agriculture” practices, are alternatively referred to as “regenerative agricultural”, “climate-smart” or “carbon farming” practices. They include but are not limited to: no-till, cover cropping, precision nitrogen fertilizer management, biochar and compost application, enhanced mineral weathering, new crop rotations, agroforestry, controlled drainage and some edge-of-field practices . The urgency in…
Currants were a cash crop for export at least since the fourteenth century
The chapters that follow elaborate two case studies, each of which demonstrates how market integration in the second half of the nineteenth century caused traditional agricultural practice motivated by subsistence to be supplanted in certain zones of specialization by the new norm of profit-driven, commercial agriculture. This normative shift was made visible in the physical…
Many small-scale cultivators who stood to profit also helped facilitate these changes in the land
Even though commercial agriculture is not important in terms of the country’s GDP or foreign exchange earnings, and has little direct political power, the petro-nature of the state impedes transformation of agrarian relations. What emerges then, is a contradictory process that seeks to consolidate a mixed economy, where an agrarian reform sector coexists alongside a…
Large extents of doubling wheat yield rates occur only in Argentina and Chile
Rice yield rates are at doubling levels however only in the Cesar and Tolima departments of Colombia, and isolated municı´pios especially in the states of Para´, Maranha˜o, and Mato Grosso in Brazil and some areas of Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Decreasing rates of rice yield are found in northeastern Brazil. The overall impact of these subnational…
Initial confusion also stemmed from the lack of robustness of the results
It should be noted that beta convergence doesn’t imply sigma convergence and that one looks for beta convergence in testing whether poorer regions are catching up with the wealthier regions. In Table 1, we provide some major papers related to convergence test and how different tests have been applied to test for agricultural total factor productivity…
The study assumes that self‐reported farmland values are correlated with market farmland values
Markets for tradable emissions permits are the economically preferred tool for reducing pollutants such as GHG. Researchers will conduct an assessment of the performance of existing markets of this type with the goal of drawing lessons for their potential application in California water; proposing to synthesize and apply the lessons drawn from this literature to begin practical…
Concerns about future impacts were also related to respondents’ perceptions of past climate trends
The survey also asked farmers to indicate any local trends in temperature, rainfall, water availability, drought, and flooding that they may have observed over the course of their farming career. In most cases a strong majority of respondents indicated that temperatures have stayed the same over time . However, a close examination of which way farmers tended…