PCA of these transcriptomes illustrates the significant differences between treatments
The Oxford King cover does not advance a visual claim to literary respectability for King or Lewis but instead mimics mass-market horror covers by best-selling authors like Dean Koontz and King himself, pandering to fans of these books. It doesn’t follow all the visual conventions of that genre of covers, like making the author’s name larger…
These values resurface in the different uses of the word interesting
The Count of Wolfenbach, in contrast, has learned so much from his lifetime of vile actions and the pain they have caused him that he can impart the aphoristic knowledge that “the man conscious of his wickedness, with doubt and terror gnawing at his heart, is the most miserable of human beings.”The Count De Bouville,…
This degree of variation in reading practices results in markedly different responses
The eighteenth-century British gothic novels that readers take up today often have tumultuous reception histories, and ones I analyze in my dissertation, dating from 1764 to 1796, especially beg questions about how and why readers judge and feel differently about literature. My dissertation considers how these early gothic novels portray and invite feeling and how…
Seeds were scarified by soaking in a 36 normal sulfuric acid solution for 16 min
The water had a salinity of 3.5 psu and the temperature during measurements was either 24 or 27◦C, which was taken into account for calibration. We used Clark-type oxygen microsensors , and calibrated before and after measurements in air-saturated and anaerobic 3.5% NaCl. The micro-profiling apparatus and software Sensor Trace Suite was also provided from Unisense. Starting…
Bunchstem necrosis can appear very early in fruit development or after veraison
The visible symptoms of bunchstem necrosis begin as small black spots on pedicels , and progress to the lateral stem structure and rachis . Usually, necrosis symptoms are not noted until the rachis is affected. Bunchstem necrosis may affect an entire cluster as well as the wings and tips of otherwise healthy clusters . It…
Compliance was monitored by a self-administered log
Phloem anatomy is influenced by both the climate that plants have adapted to and the climate plants experience during the growing season . This suggests that more work is needed to evaluate how plastic responses to interannual or geographic variability to climate influence cultivar differences in phloem anatomy and sugar transport capacity. In Arabidopsis, the…
A significant shift in the ratio of F to P marks a recombination breakpoint
In contrast the acquisition of novel alleles is analogous to the effect of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes: it increases the genetic variance that natural selection can act on but does not, in itself, result in a qualitative change in the ecology of the recipient . Due to these fundamental differences, we favor reserving the term…
Amino acids are important components of the human diet
To 630 µL of supernatant, 57 µL deuterium oxide and 6 µL of the internal standard solution of 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentane-1-sulfonic acid-d6were added. Deuterated acetic acid-d4or ammonium deuteroxide-d4dissolved in D2O were used for pH adjustment to 3.5 ± 0.1. After centrifugation , 620 µL of sample was introduced into a 5 mm NMR tube and the 1H NMR…
Theories of rational cognition provide an increasingly popular answer to this question
People often choose what information they want to gather. This kind of learning is known as active learning, and has been the subject of intense study in recent years in several fields. Although there are many questions to ask about active learning, perhaps the most pressing question about active learning is this: how and why…
This dramatically increased the cost and time of clinical studies
To compare predicted scores with the ground truth data, F1 scores were calculated. F1 scores, the harmonic mean of precision and recall, were calculated using the set of tokens from the ASA24 description and the predicted set based on each food photo. True positives were counted as tokens correctly predicted by the algorithm , false negatives…