Whether it is in water or on land, the same nutrients for plant growth are essential. After all, plants rely on specific nutrients to grow, and these nutrients don’t change, no matter which system one is using. In VHF method, manageability of the farm is quite obvious; the area requires no care takers considering the number of square meters and the absence of other farming management phases in the traditional method. It requires no preparation which involves the use of farms machinery for plowing, harvesting and the like. There is a little challenge in the use of workforce to manage to harvest,planting and weeding as there are no weeds to grow. A spray of pesticides is no longer needed since the greenhouse prevent foreign pests to enter and attack the VFH. The VHF simplifies farm management and ensures environment-friendly farm operation. Its manageability could be deduced from the shortened preparation,operation and harvesting phases compared to traditional method.
It is manageable at its state. Majority of the interviewees were excited to adopt the VFH system for onion production. However, the amount of initial capitalization discouraged them to embark on the process. They all believe that the government must provide the subsidy to onion farmers to establish and employ the VHF system. The vertical grower design employing hydroponics may be utilized in onio nfarming in Nueva Ecija for the following reasons: 1) Increased productivity of onions, 2) Year-round crop production, 3) Possibility that can be put up or built any where, 4) No weather related crop failures, 5) Onions being free from pesticides and herbicides, 6) Lessening excessive use of fertilizers thus no threat to human and animal health, 7) Requiring less space, so the spare land can be used for fruit bearing trees, which gives additional income to the farmers and helps restore the ecosystem.The province of Nueva Ecija is not spared from the effects of climate change.It is an agricultural province where the livelihood of the people is dependent on farm produce. As it is an agricultural community, it is dependent on the volume of harvest which in turn is dependent on the quality of weather condition. One way of mitigating the damaging effects of climate change in agriculture may be through new farming methods—the use of controlled-environment agriculture.
The use of the vertical hydroponic grower is an appropriate step toward environmental-friendly farming.The vertical farming or high-rise farming will work. The various vertical farming issues have already been noted. By combining the brains in this world,solutions to its minor imperfections can be found. In the Philippines, it may seem extra ordinary to consider the idea of urban-based agriculture when viable and productive land is available. But with the increase in population, space will eventually be a problem. The arable land is becoming limited, and alternative agricultural practices are necessary. Designing and constructing the vertical farming facility is only part of the challenges toward a sustainable and environment-friendly farming. The readiness and cognition on how to operate the facilities would be a major challenge. More than this, are the challenges of financial and technological viability that ordinary farmers cannot easily adjust to. To make vertical farming a reality, whether small-scale hydroponic farms or flourishing skyscrapers, there is a need for the support of the governments and pioneering organizations’ willing to support the farmers and provide them training for technology adoption and financial assistance for the construction of the vertical farms.Systems research will also be essential for making more rapid progress in diversifying small-scale farms. Many NGOs are active in promoting sustainable low-input agricultural systems in the Philippines and will play an important role in adapting solutions to specific local conditions.
Research and development from universities should be funded by the government. Through better agricultural governance, and the use of sustainable agricultural technique, we can make significant stride toward food security by the year 2040. Crop production is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases . Globally, agriculture contributes approximately 58% to total anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide . The magnitude of these emissions depends on several factors including nitrogen fertilization , tillage and crop residue management and soil moisture . In Zimbabwe, most cropping systems are rainfall based as irrigation systems are poorly developed . In many semi-arid to arid areas of Zimbabwe,dry land crop production has been decreasing because of perennial mid-season droughts which have been attributed to climate change. As a climate change adaptation strategy, smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe and southern Africa have been cultivating seasonal wetlands . Therefore, presently, dambos are a valuable resource for crop production due to their widespread occurrence;saturation and inundation for months during rainy seasons; and high fertility when compared to uplands.Thus, in many developing countries, particularly in Africa, wetlands are now perceived as the “new frontier”for agriculture .