A mixed farming system is now practiced in which livestock owners use manure from their animals to fertilise their fields and those who do not keep animals, buy or secure freely chicken droppings to use for their vegetable gardening like in Sangani. According to a focus group discussion in 2014, I was informed that farm inputs like fertilisers, water pumps are mostly used by farmers when they come at a subsidised rate. This is the case with water pumps used by farmers in Tuunayili. The end to subsidies for water pumps and fertiliser has forced farmers to look for cheaper alternatives,through visiting researchers like me. Farming in the North is no longer subsistence but its semi-subsistence as many governmental interventions even though not well linked has led to changes in the agricultural practice in this region. These variations in the agricultural sector have legitimised development projects carried out by national organisations with foreign aid and also resulted in co-constructions of governance systems as subjects accept and resist governmental interventions.
The shift in political ideology from socialist to capitalist camp and vice versa has over the years affected the agricultural system of Ghana, as can be seen in the different governmental interventions during these different political regimes and has slowed agricultural progress especially in this region. The emergence of vegetable farming and its management in the advent of urbanisation and increasing population growth is crucial to the revitalization of agriculture in northern Ghana. Different political regimes have over the years enacted different techniques in the form of policies,hydroponic nft system programmes and projects through which they have governed the people from afar. These projects, programmes, and policies were meant to reshape the agricultural practices of the people from a subsistence system to a more mechanised or industrial system. These governmental interventions were sometimes accepted and resisted by the subjects, creating new or sometimes hybrid governance systems. Most of these projects and programmesas explained above were meant to serve the interest of the intervener and also position them as credible and fundable organisations in the development world.In addition, changing agricultural policy has also influenced practice of urban agriculture in Ghana.
The practice of urban agriculture is used by non-governmental organisations to legalise their activities which are embedded in the idea of food and nutritional security. Due to the high rate of poverty and food insecurity in Northern Ghana, agricultural projects, and programmes are always embraced by the state and sanctioned to take place even though these projects are generally not linked as interveners compete against each other.There was little or no coordination between the different organization.Simplementing these projects over time and space. We conclude that our agricultural systems can be improved if policies are inclusive, equitable and sustainable and also if there are synergies between international or government organization simplementing agricultural projects over time and space. Different political regimes have over the years enacted different techniques in the form of policies, programmes and projects through which they have governed the people from afar. These projects, programmes, and policies were meant to reshape the agricultural practices of the people from a subsistence system to a more mechanised or industrial system.
These governmental interventions were sometimes accepted and resisted by the subjects, creating new or sometimes hybrid governance systems. Most of these projects and programmes as explained above were meant to serve the interest of the intervener and also position them as credible and fundable organisations in the development world.In addition, changing agricultural policy has also influenced practice of urban agriculture in Ghana. The practice of urban agriculture is used by non-governmental organisations to legalise their activities which are embedded in the idea of food and nutritional security. Due to the high rate of poverty and food insecurity in Northern Ghana, agricultural projects, and programmes are always embraced by the state and sanctioned to take place even though these projects are generally not linked as interveners compete against each other.