The rectified linear unit activation function was utilized as the activation function in the neurons
Strong connections between the leaf photosynthetic capacity and reflectance spectra have been reported, although their underlying mechanisms remain unclear in most cases. A range of studies have also demonstrated that leaf reflectance spectra can be used to accurately estimate leaf photosynthetic capacity in several different ways, ranging fromsimple linear regression to machine learning techniques ,…
Light is an absolutely necessary resource for crops to carry out photosynthesis
The GIGANTEA early flowering promoting allele was detected only in GR5, GR10, and Frieda cultivar. However, further experimentation on the aforementioned landraces is needed, in order to examine the predictive power of those molecular markers, and their potential implementation in white lupin breeding programs. Alleles that confer resistance to anthracnose, were previously found only in…
Samples were first homogenized in 3 mL 50 mM Tris-HCL buffer
Mo primarily improves the nitrogen fixation to the plant and increases its antioxidant potential, which we observed in our study. This also might be the reason for the enhanced antidiabetic potential of Canavalia species assessed by GI, α-amylase inhibition activity, and α-glucosidase inhibition activity. Terpenoids and flavonoids of Canavalia gladiata are reported to play a…
A reasonable explanation could be related to different experimental conditions used for the two assays
Considering the importance of nematodes and arthropod pests in agriculture, both veterinary and human pharmaceutical industries can potentially benefit from collaborations with agrochemical firms in this space. However, depending on the epidemiological settings, risks of emergence of resistance or reduced efficacy in humans due to the widespread use of a given compound or class in…
A positive attitude did not predict the intention to consume hemp food
The current study accepted empirical evidence of the importance of negative factors in the evaluation of novel foods and developed discrete positive and negative attitudinal constructs from qualitative surveys of consumer behavioral beliefs. This approach proved benefificial to understanding the acceptance of hemp food as the negative attitude items while loading onto a single factor…
The genus of Canavalia is considered the third largest family among flowering plants
During germination, metabolic enzymes are activated, which can lead to the release of some amino acids and peptides, and the synthesis or use of them can form new proteins. As a consequence, the nutritional and medicinal value might be enhanced by sprouting in legumes. Research has to be geared to exploit the sprouting of legumes…
Total nutrient uptake was less in short-stemmed cassava resulting in higher nutrient use efficiency in terms of root production
The successes of the so-called “Green Revolution” of the 1960’s in obviating eminent famines in highly populated developing countries across continents stemmed from the development of high yielding semi-dwarf wheat cultivars at CIMMYT, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center established in 1963, Mexico, and the semi-dwarf rice cultivars at IRRI, the International Rice Research…
The irrigation water used by farmers in these areas comes mainly from streams
The duration of each of these seasons varies today and the rains in the second season are erratic due to global warming. The population of Yaounde was estimated in 2015 at 2.8 million . The intertropical type of vegetation is observed in Yaounde with a predominance of humid forest. The city’s hydrographic network is very…
Several hundred papers deal with growth curves for fisheries
Modeling weight gain or growth of livestock is an important tool for optimizing management decisions and production systems.Amongst considered livestock were cattle, sheep, chicken, ducks or turkeys.There exist also studies dealing with the growth patterns of intensive piglet production or a pig breed used as laboratory animal . But organic livestock farming differs from intensive livestock farming…