Total flavonoid content has been higher in leaf in comparison with petiole and root extracts
The non-significant response between fertilizer supplemented wastewater and commercial hydroponic fertilizer mix could be caused by the trade-offs in nutrients between wastewater and CHFM.Ligularia fischeriTurcz is a perennial herbaceous plant which belongs to Ligularia, a class of composite family and distributed widely in South Korea, Japan, China, and Eastern Siberia. It usually grows on wood, water,…
The 10% biogas slurry treatment actually resulted in a 67.2% higher GI relative to the normal hydroponic fertilizer
As it emerges from the isotherm model analysis, the NO3-N adsorption on Sep, T-Sep, H-Sep and H-Pal is monolayered and fits on linear Langmuir isotherm; on T-Pal is monolayered as well but fits on nonlinear Langmuir model, while the interactions between NO3-N and Pal are heterogeneous. That renders the adsorption mostly a physical procedure with…
Water-use efficiency is an important criterion for water consumption by plants
A single uniform seedling was transplanted into each pot. So that salt would not accumulate in the root zone, a 15% leaching fraction was allowed whenever irrigation was conducted; irrigation water was therefore applied at more than the amount of field capacity . The water that drained from each pot was collected in an empty container…
Aquaponics is a food production method that is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics
This can be caused by not closing the system properly, sensor failure, or a node failure. This piece of code runs on the local server which is independent of all the electronics that are responsible for the operation of the system. This means that a failure in the electronic components controlling the system will not…
The rational use of fertilizers is also included in the European Green Deal
Nevertheless, our experimental effluent recovery system allowed to reduce the net volume to 32 %. In addition, environmental benefits were provided in the reverse osmosis treatment by the avoided GHG emissions from the use of PV technology rather than the Spanish electricity mix with savings of 81 % in GHG emissions. As expected, the LCA…
Planted blank controls were simultaneously conducted with and without PUF in the same sealed mode
Methylation and demethylation of organic and inorganic compounds are pervasive biotransformation processes in various plants . Plant uptake, accumulation as well as volatilization of the contaminants can be significantly altered when methylation and demethylation processes occurred. Some researchers found that 6-MeO-BDE-47 was readily accumulated in maize shoots compared with 6-hydroxy-2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether Selenite and arsenic were…
The reported value of both yields is then converted into a unit of kilograms per square meter per year
The methodology is applied to a case study in Qatar encompassing open-field agriculture, conventional and hydroponic greenhouses. Nine risk factors are selected to perform the AHP, including temperature, humidity, solar radiation, Soil Quality , groundwater depth, groundwater recharge rate, groundwater salinity and groundwater pH.In this study, a geospatial risk composite indicator that represents the environmental condition…
An interesting outcome of our analysis is the strong association of risk with plant growth conditions
An alternative to the AD hypothesis that could capture this curvature is the existence of two populations of viruses as used in Petterson et al. , one decaying slower than the other. However, a closer examination of the double exponential model revealed that it was not time invariant. This means that the time taken to…
Solar radiation is also a key factor for evapotranspiration and corresponding nutrient uptake
Even though Namibia has one of the highest average solar radiation levels in the world, the nitrate levels in the RAS are still greater than the recommended maximum levels of 200 ppm for the reared tilapia . Fig. 4 shows that the RAS nitrate concentration is close to the trout’s allowable threshold of 40 ppm,…
Open-pollinated progenies were raised from 26 randomly selected trees of each population
Since the translation of public signs is assigned responsibility to convey accurate and clear information to the recipients, the translators need to consider and respect foreign tourists’ culture, psychology and express habit to facilitate the understanding of translation. 4) Strengthening the cooperation between universities and scenic spots In academia, the translation of public signs has…