The role of agrobiodiversity in providing pest control has been controversial for a long time
Local-field agrobiodiversity had a negative effect on pollination potential, while local-field agrobiodiversity, pollination and pest control potentials had a positive influence on cereal production . These effects were significant except for the effect of pest control potential, which was marginally significant . As a result, farming intensity had both a positive direct effect on cereal…
The threats to the sector can be perceived as a threat to the very identity of beef farmers
The smaller key actors, including BPM, also noted the problem of uncertainty, but this wasn’t the main issue for them; unfair value chains was the important problem to them within the distributive frame. Mapping key actor narratives to the just transition frames highlights the mismatch in how beef farmers and key actors assess the current…
A good farmer could be recognized by his or her land and well-managed land would be free of weeds
Nature-inclusive farming is part of the Vision for the future of agriculture in The Netherlands published by the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality: “Agriculture, nature and food: valuable and connected” . So far it is mainly envisioned as a pathway for transition; it is not sharply defined but rather used as a boundary…
SLO provided a conceptual framework through which to recognize and explore social grievances
As a result, each single pixel value of the calculated LAI, NDVI, GNDVI, EVI, RVI, TGI, CVI and NGRDI layers and the original 10 m resolution Sentinel-2 bands were associated to one GY value. This processing protocol was carried out at each phenological stage. An overview of few indices calculated is shown in Fig. 3.…
The culture and consumption of fish contribute to Bangladesh’s national income and food security
Functional ecological analysis conducted at Kuruçay H¨ oyük, inland western Anatolia, also indicates that cereals were cultivated under moderate intensity . This is plausibly linked to differences in settlement size and the agricultural landscapes surrounding these sites compared to those in our study, which we discuss further below . The intensive manuring of Spanish vetchling…
Fuzzy coding technique was applied to associate taxon and a trait category based on their affinity score
The addition of farmed bivalves increases habitat complexity, potentially enhancing species diversity. Additionally, biodeposits generated by farmed bivalves may increase the organic load, attracting concomitant detritivores . The physical modification of the habitat and the alteration of fluxes of organic matter towards the bottom make bivalves ecosystem engineers . Although responses of trait-based functional diversity in…
The soil seed bank refers to all living seeds in the soils and is an important component of the ecosystem
Patterns of reverse correlation are no exception and are also observed in other countries, such as Germany . This may both be due to purely economic reasoning and psychological factors related to the different attitudes of farmers, which limit the choices available to them in terms of how to manage their farms . Particularly noteworthy areas…
The literature differentiates between co-evolution within an industry path and co-evolution between industry paths
The latter has a distinct tacit dimension. This is informal knowledge that has not been documented or made explicit by those who possess and use it and it has a certain degree of uniqueness. In the literature, knowledge bases have often been portrayed in their ‘pure’ forms, and it has been argued that industries tend…
The entrepreneurial status is the average of the normalised income and normalised farm size
To get informed about the expected income in the new market, the farmer has the chance to collect the technical- and management efficiency factors of one farmer whom already produces for that market every time-step. In the model this looks as follows: every month, all farmers interact with one random farmer in their network , all farmers…
The focus of the prototype is on sensing and controlling the conditions via light and misting
The interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire comprising questions in three categories: i) use case definition, including the problem context, core idea, objective, development status, etc.; ii) use case mapping, including main business processes targeted, objects addressed, main actors using the envisaged system; and iii) use case information architecture, including the main functionalities/services…