Plant root systems have never received as much attention as the above ground portions of plants
Here characterization of the root system in a set of wheat hybrids is used to identify some associations between individual traits and associate relevant loci with DNA sequence-based markers. Additionally, the relationship of shoot and root traits is considered to help draw some conclusions for future research to focus upon.The research plan is based on…
A complete inventory of solutes in maize seminal roots awaits future study
NO3 – is in fact taken up throughout the root . Fig. 9B shows that the total NO3 – uptake slightly exceeds the observed content while the tissue element is moving through in the growth zone, and the total uptake vastly exceeds the content when the tissue element is in the 10–20 mm region. Comparisons…
Farms rely heavily on donated land and volunteer and citizen labor
See Box 1 for a description of one of the non-farmer stakeholders engaged in the food recovery and distribution system, who has recently established an aggregation hub to serve as a network for reducing food waste and channeling excess food in the urban community to those who are food insecure.Farmers in our study stressed the…
Integrating local and global “real world contexts” emerges as an important CCE strategy
Waste management is already fairly streamlined on Lopez due to the expense of transporting waste products off the island, and the organization of the award-winning solid waste facility . Current opportunities for improvement include the local bio-char production and co-composting effort, as well as maximizing food waste recovery from all island retail stores and restaurants to…
Few of the farmers on the island have children interested in taking over the farm
Agroecology scholarship spans governance scales and nations, the urban and the rural, and is best understood through the lens of the food system , weaving together production and other system elements . The agroecological food system paradigm is framed by some scholar-activists as standing in direct contrast to the dominant industrial paradigm and the Law…
Vials were aerated for the duration of the experiment to avoid anaerobic conditions
Tropical soils are high in irons and minerals that have the ability to bind P, preventing leaching, and release it under certain conditions . Recent research has questioned how much of this sequestered P may be available to plants or microbes, or even regulated by large scale ecosystem changes in redox capacity liberating P from mineral…
Bioremediation of PAHs is a complex process involving numerous abiotic and biotic interactions
Due to their strong soil sorption capacity, molecular stability, and hydrophobicity, PAHs interact with nonpolar soil domains such as organic matter and become highly resistant to soil microbial degradation that is the primary removal pathway in contaminated soils . Several bio-remediation-enhancement technologies have been applied to increase PAH bio-availability and/or soil microbial abundance and activity…
AHG1 has been shown to interact with the positive seed dormancy-regulating gene DOG1
Clade A Type 2C Protein phosphatases are highly conserved negative regulators of the drought signaling pathway in plants . RNAi targeting of Clade A Type 2C Protein Phosphatase homologues in A. thaliana and B. napus started in our lab by Dianne Pater using the Brassica Database . The region targeted by the RNAi is a…
We will investigate whether this is the case for trees in the Ethiopian Highlands
In the GHA, however, the extent of post-drought recovery is unclear. Recent studies suggest drying over GHA may have continued into the 2000s , but the cause of this potential drying and decoupling of precipitation trends in the GHA from those of the Sahel remains unexplored. Previous studies have identified a variety of drivers of…
ACP density is classified into five different rating categories for each CHMA and cycle
Through both the CRISPR/Cas may provide a powerful tool for development of HLB resistant citrus vsarieties. The most wide-used applications of CRISPR utilize stable integration of Cas9/sgRNA genes into host plant genomes and subsequently their expression in plant cells produces targeted mutations. For sexually-propagated annual crop plants, the Cas9/sgRNA transgenes can be eliminated from plant genomes…