The control components in the bio-economic analysis are described below
The coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei is the most important pest of coffee worldwide causing immense economic losses in the main production areas of Central and South America, Indonesia, South East Asia, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico where infestation levels are variable but can reach up to 95%. Like many ambrosia beetles that form galleries for the development of progeny, mated…
Polymer segregation is favoured for small nanoparticles with a large surface curvature
Following incubation of polystyrene-50K-capped spherocylindrical gold nanorods in the DMF/water mixture, a uniform polymer layer separated into two distinct patches engulfing the nanorod tips . Similar polymer segregation towards metal tips occurred for gold nanorods with a dumbbell shape . Patches of polystyrene-50K formed on the edges of silver nanocubes and triangular nanoprisms incubated in…
Plants were carefully watered to eliminate risk of contamination via water splash
A completely randomized full-factorial design was used to organize the individuals into four treatment groups: droughted and inoculated with N. australe , droughted and not inoculated , watered and inoculated with N. australe and a control; watered and not inoculated . Data were collected for ~90 days to track declines in health and mortality rates…
Vegetated ditches must be placed at the ends of fields where runoff can be directed
Monitoring irrigation flows down each furrow while growing crops is, however, labor-intensive. This practice can eliminate surface runoff.Properly designed and maintained sprinkler and drip irrigation systems for field crops can enhance irrigation efficiency and help eliminate surface runoff. However, this conversion increases capital costs over that of furrow irrigation, so it is generally practiced only…
VLPs are readily produced at scale in plants by molecular farming
As an example, the plant-derived mAb cocktail ZMapp for Ebola virus disease, manufactured by Kentucky Bioprocessing for Mapp bio-pharmaceutical 18 and other partners, and deployed during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, was evaluated only in primates infected with the Congolese variant of the virus , with no randomized controlled clinical trial before administration…
Working with a local UCCE advisor helped establish trust with farmers identified
This agricultural region in northern California is unique in that it is among the handful of places in the country that emerged as a catalyst and knowledge hub for farming alternatively – specifically, the organic movement – and where a large concentration of diversified fruit and vegetable farms continue to thrive today. Due to a…
The meeting process is modeled as taking draws from the knowledge distribution
For algae, the EC50 values are much larger for spinosad and pyrethrins than copper hydroxide , which is the most heavily applied AI in the fixed copper group . The EC50 toxicity value of sulfur is 0.06 and it is known to be an artifact due to the fact that sulfur is almost completely insoluble in water.…
The deep learning filter will increase the low-level trigger rate to 100 Hz
This significant change in trigger rate raises the question of whether or not the current hardware will be able to handle triggering effectively at 100 Hz. This section explores the hardware computing performance of the ARIANNA pilot station, which includes the waveform digitizers, the readout into the FPGA, the transmission from FPGA to the MBED…
Ammonium is highly toxic to plants whereas nitrate has relatively low toxicity
The outline of miRNA accumulation across samples is different from that of sRNA-producing loci. While the expression of sRNA-generating regions allows distinguishing very well between ripened and green berries and also between cultivars , the accumulation of miRNAs shows a clear distinction only between ripened and green berries, and when the berries were green, we…
Cultivar differences in berries are often ascribed to differences in aroma compounds
One focused on expression at one similar sugar level in both locations. Another identified a common set of genes whose transcript abundance changed in both locations. And the third one was a more comprehensive network analysis using all of the sugar levels and the two locations. We chose two very similar sugar levels to determine…