A good number of respondents declined to revert back the questionnaires forcing only a response rate of 74%.

An F ratio is calculatedto represent the variance between the groups, divided by the variance within thegroups. A large F ratio indicates that there is more variability between thegroups caused by the independent variable than there is within each group, referredto as the error term . Therefore, this is an indication of abetter predictor model. The F value of 146.75 indicates that the overall regression model is significant hence it has some explanatory value. This indicates that there is a significant relationship between the predictor variables; facility resource conservation, water recycling and reuse, land management and social sustainability practices and environmental dimension. At 95 percent confidence interval i.e. P-value  implies that all the independent variables combined do influence the decisions to environmental dimension.

From Table 3, nft hydroponic system the variable had no multicollinearity since the VIF were lesst han 10. Facility Resource Conservation has the most statistically significant coefficient as indicated by a t-ratio of 1.296 and P value . This implies that one unit change in facility resource conservation will change environmental dimension by 0.429 units, water recycling and use is statistically significant as indicated by a P value of 0.005 hence this implies that one unit change in water recycling and use will change environmental dimension by 0.040 units, land management has a P value of 0.007 implying that one unit change in land managementwill change environmental dimension by 0.239 units, and social sustainabilitypractices will change environmental dimension by 0.120 units. Constantequals 0.08, shows that if the level of predictors are held at constant zero, environmentaldimensional would be 0.08. The standardized coefficients  are what the regression coefficients would be if the model were fitted to standardizeddata, that is, if from each observation we subtracted the sample mean and then divided by the sample SD. The study established that most horticulture firms in Nairobi Kenya have operated for less than 10 years.

This is a clear indication that they were established atthe time when the TBL concept had already gained momentum and there are noalternatives. Around 45.9% of the firms have operated for a period between 10 to20 years which shows that such horticulture firms were facing challenges to fullyadopt the TBL concept in the entire supply chains. As noted by the authors,hydroponic nft system some horticulture firms are undertaking the TBL dimensions i.e. the Environmental,Social and Economic with a lot of concerns. It was established that apartfrom the Supply Chain Manager and Operations Manager, Compliance Officeralso existed in some firms whose core responsibility was to make sure that the company fully comply with all environmental and social issues. Majority of thefirms have corporate social responsibility manager, environmental manager, environmentalboard of directors and a well elaborate corporate environmentalpolicy. The study findings have largely agreed with the findings of other researchersin the same area. The authors faced a number of challenges when carrying out the study.

Firstly,some of the respondents were not very co-operative either by failing to receivethe questionnaires for their responses or completely refusing to give the researcheraudience to present his case. It is alsoworth to note that the researcher only used one method of collecting data i.e. byuse of questionnaire as a tool. Use of other methods like interviews could haveenriched data collection process. There are several opportunities for future researchgenerated by this study. First, the analysis of the researcher is specific tothe horticulture sector, which faces a relatively unique set of social and environmentalsustainability challenges as well as a rapidly growing consumer basefor sustainable products. Primary environmental and social sustainability issuesand subsequent performance impacts in other industries will likely differ. Consequently,sustainability research may not easily generalize across industries, andindustry-specific sustainability research may yield more practical and clearfindings than cross-industry studies. Industry differences also point to the needto integrate case and survey-based research methods to rigorously isolate sustainabilitypractices and expected outcomes specific to industries. Peach  belongs to the family Rosaceae with other species collectively known as “stone fruits”.