Aeromonas are unicellular water bacteria that may cause FIOs

The presence of the coliform group and E. coli indicate fecal contamination of food. Certain levels of S. aureus are considered as the bio-indicators of the sanitary quality of products by the food industry .Data retrieved from the Brazilian Health Ministry have shown that animal-derived foods such as meat are involved in foodborne illness outbreaks.Water is the natural habitat of these bacteria and an important source of food contamination.Although these bacteria are prevalently detected in fish, they have also been found in swine, broilers, and humans, as they occur in the feces of ill animals and food handlers The genus Aeromonas , including pathogenic strains for aquatic animals, has been indicated as one of the main etiological agents of infection in fish and other aquatic organisms, with great liabilities for Brazilian fish farming.

Several bacteria of the genus have been identified as significantly pathogenic for public health, and epidemiological data have shown that consumption of contaminated food and contact or ingestion of contaminated water are one of the main causes of transmission of the pathogen. In fact, they have been described as the main etiological agents of gastroenteritis in humans In Brazil, regulations regarding the standard limits for microorganisms in food are lacking. The reference rates are coagulase-positive staphylococcus at 103/g sample and absence of Salmonella spp. in a 25 g sample Because of the increase in the cases related to contamination by Aeromonas ,which are ubiquitous in sea water and fresh water, irrespective of whether it is contaminated, several countries have developed quality and quantity standards for Aeromonas spp. These regulations are also applicable to mineral and potable water since these bacteria have been detected in public water supply as well as bottled water. Because of an increase in gastroenteritis cases and detection of Aeromonasspp. in water that was considered potable, Holland, Italy,hydroponic channel and Canada established a maximum rate of 200 UFC/100 ml for potable water Aeromonas spp. have been characterized as an opportunistic pathogen found worldwide, especially in developing countries, and are known to be associated with traveler’ diarrhea. These bacteria are mainly found in aquatic environments and in animals and are related to several infections in humans and animals .

Cases of human contamination by several species, mainly Aeromonas hydrophila, A. caviae , and A. veronii biovar sobria , have been reported in different countries.A. hydrophila is predominantly associated with watery diarrhea and dysentery.In 2010, new infection cases by wounds and gastroenteritis were shown to be associated with two new species, namely, A. sanarellii and A. taiwanensis. Therefore, while evaluating the sanitary and hygiene quality of fishponds by using indicator microorganisms for fecal contamination and detecting the presence of pathogens or food deterioration, inadequate sanitary conditions during food processing, production, and storage may also be detected.An analysis of the link between Aeromonas spp. and fish farming in Brazil was undertaken because of the following reasons: bacteria of the genus Aeromonas are pathogenic microorganisms that harm animals and humans and are important for public health owing to their high virulence and antibiotic resistance;the growing number of gastroenteritis cases in Brazil and worldwide due to these microorganisms vectored by food and contaminated water, a natural habitat for Aeromonas ; few studies on the presence of Aeromonas in fish ponds in the state of Bahia; and reports on the contamination of fish caught in sporting fish ponds in Brazil. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , aquaculture is the breeding of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans,mollusks, and water plants. Aquaculture comprises the culture of organisms in fresh and sea water under controlled conditions and is currently responsible for the production of one-half of fish and mollusks consumed by the world population.

According to available data, aquaculture production of fish tripled between 1995 and 2007. Aquaculture is classified into segments according to the class of aquatic organisms cultivated. Such development has been triggered by population increase, increasing salaries, and urbanization. It has been facilitated by a strong expansion in fish production and more efficient distribution channels .Fishing and aquaculture are remarkable relevant for world hunger eradication,health promotion, and poverty mitigation. In no other epoch, fish consumption or dependence on this economic sector for well-being of people has been so high. Fish is an extremely nutritive product since it is a plentiful source of protein and essential nutrients, especially for the poor, worldwide. I