This is due that prior to the increase of schooling, radio was the only device used in communities

Even with the recognized importance that education has an essential role in the behavioral change process, especially in relation to ethical and sustainable consumption,contributing to environmental improvement, the education in Brazilianrural areas has faced many difficulties through the years. It happens due the agricultural development model implemented in Brazil defended an education model facing urban areas, valuing the great capital. That model was taken to the countryside, without regard the reality experienced by the field individual.In Brazil, there is a diversity of people living in diverse areas, different one of another, which prevents the application of the same policy in various territories.According to Oliveira & Hage , “this diversity of populations, each one with own way of life, contributes to each area of the field, amid the general aspects produced by the totality of capitalist relations, has singularities which differs one from others and from urban areas”.According to Caldart , the struggle for education provision in the field,from the 90s, occurred concomitantly with the fight started by MST seeking to have the rights guaranteed in relation to land tenure.

Initially, there was little relationship between these two fights, but gradually the struggle for the right to school became part of the masses’ social organization in the struggle for agrarianre form, which became the MST. An important point which favored the struggle for the field’s school quality is the perception by the landless that traditional school usually doesn’t have space for field individuals and its formal structure doesn’t allow their entry because the way of teaching disrespects or unaware the reality of the field. It would be necessary that the school would fit in form and content to the individuals whom need and participate in it.So,ebb and flow tray defending public policies committed to the needs and characteristics of the population living in rural areas, Arroyo states the people of the field are no more satisfied with old, traditional and compensatory policies which doesn’t serve for the cultural dynamics and policy of rural populations. However, in the present days it is noted that education of field is still developed in the general way, disregarding the differences between people from the countryside and from the city. There are several problems faced: the distance from the house to the school which in most cases contributes to dropout; poor access to general information; inappropriate curriculum, which is stipulated by government resolutions, aiming at the reality of cities; didactic and methodological deficient structuring; multigrade rooms, with the same program content teaching to children, teenagers and adults in the same space and the same way;school calendar in disagreement with the seasonal production, contributing to lack of students in the school; lack of technical guidance and educational support; lack of school support supplies both for teachers and for students, etc. .

According to Arroyo, Caldart, & Molina , these problems contribute to various questions, such as “lack of teacher stimulation, illiteracy, children,adolescents and young people out of school, without schools, age-grade gap,repetition and failure”, still remain embedded in education. In this sense, it is important that government policies are implemented in order to strengthen the Brazilian educational system, especially in rural areas once field education plays an important role in the development of these communities, and by their educational action-construction which field’s school communities seek greater social,cultural and economic integration, as well as being a diffuser of knowledge and social wisdom .In general, as it will be shown in Section 2.3, education plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of the country, affecting positively the quality of life, productivity and labor income, which imply the need to value this instrument as way to achieve a more uniform society with equity and social justice. Family farming is of great importance in society, both in food production as in generation of employment and income, besides the environmental aspect. One of the features contributing to the strong family production performance is the fact that labor and management are centralized in the hands of family farmers,and it doesn’t occur in non-family farming, so these functions are separated in the production process.In recent years, the loss of importance of extractive products in the process of income generation for the acrean families has consistently led the search for productive alternatives “to make money”1, as the need to purchas goods and services on the market has increased, since it’s impossible to produce everything on the family production unit. This leads, for example, to exacerbated manioc production in the Jurua Valley, and cattle farming in the Acre Valley Region, as can be noted from Table 2.By analyzing the process of income appropriation for rural families in Acre, it is noted from Table 3 that the appropriate income—Family’s Gross Margin, is lower than value of consumer goods purchased on market .