In South Korea, water resources are managed by the Ministry of Environment , 5.3 % of crops are produced in greenhouse environments, and most farms are small scale.These differences play a role in shaping each country’s diverse approach to smart farming solutions.For example, due to economy of scale, larger-sized farms can more easily support the fixed cost of smart farming solutions and can reduce labor costs ; government incentives may not be necessary for farmer adoption.However, smaller-sized farms likely need subsidies to support the upfront costs of high-tech innovations.Pressure to achieve national food security could be heightened if productive land capacity becomes limited.The arable land per capita for South Korea is 0.31 ha, conspicuously low as compared with a value of 1.11 ha per capita in the U.S.According to Kumar et al.and He et al., such low values could signal vulnerability to local food shortages.It is speculated that this threat could be a driver for South Korea to succeed in implementing smart farming communities.Irrespective, South Korea is following a smart farming approach in which the farmer is part of a highly integrated food supply chain, while the approach by the market driven in which a farmer selects a discrete solution.These varied approaches are prophetically described by Wolfert et al..Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.South Korea’s nationalistic plan embraces a holistic concept that addresses not only optimizing farm processes but seeks to optimize networking for on-farm systems, enhances monitoring of farm product distributions, and facilitates the marketing of domestic food commodities and rural economies as tourism enterprises.The Rural Development Administration announced the ’Basic Plan for Promotion of Digital Agriculture’ to realize scientific farming and sustainable agriculture based on Big data.The Digital Agriculture Basic Plan, which has been promoted as a five-year plan from 2021 to 2025, consists of 10 tasks in three areas.The three areas include: 1) establishment of agricultural technology data ecosystem, 2) digital innovation of agricultural production technology, and 3) digital agricultural technology that supports distribution, consumption and policy.
Conversely, the U.S.does not have a national plan to implement smart farming communities.However,hydroponic nft system discrete smart farming solutions driven by competition within the private sector are thriving.Farmers in the U.S.have adopted smart hardware solutions associated with GPS and variable rate technologies, and some software solutions that provide decision support for site-specific fertilizer and irrigation scheduling applications.Smart phones, irrigation scheduling apps, and cellular and WiFi communication technologies are used extensively in North America to monitor and control the operation of irrigation sprinklers and pumping systems.As continue to experience profitability in precision agricultural technology and as farm sizes increase, the future market for smart farm technology in the U.S.will likely remain strong.Further, the participation from universities, government funded agencies and technical companies involved in research and development of information and communication technologies, and hardware and software platforms are facilitating the adoption of smart farm solutions.Key components to move agriculture towards smart farming solutions in any country are innovation, mobile technology, broadband access, access to quality water, nutrients and knowledge.Even though the U.S.and South Korea have yet to establish widely adopted smart farming solutions or holistic smart farming systems, both countries have the technical readiness to establish the necessary links between innovative hardware and ICT.Low-hanging fruit for both countries could be to establish smart farming solutions that control greenhouse and livestock production, orchard production systems and automate water conveyance and irrigation scheduling management.However, smart farming solutions come with disadvantages.The new technologies will introduce various facets of complexity to agricultural production and business practices.More so, it is well known that successful agricultural innovative transformations are not simply about technology advancement and adoption, but also require institutional change in data ownership, markets, labor forces, and land tenure.In the U.S., formulating smart farming solutions that are profitable may initially be challenging, because of the lack of existing agro-business models to opimize profitably of the entire food supply chain and because of the effort required to overcome incompatibility between software and hardware products, and cyber provisions and security issues.The South Korean smart farming vision is ambitious and seeks to revolutionize rural communities, but the goals may take longer to accomplish because of the inherent complexity of technological and sociological changes required to transform whole communities into smart solutions.
Neither country has yet established policies for data governance or fair business models.This is critical because smart farming involves partnerships with various companies that have not traditionally been involved in agriculture.If holistic smart farming models are to be implemented, diverse companies must work together and develop business models encompassing the entire system and support each business member’s role.Without meaningful data policies in place, and tolerance for the interdependence of each company’s role, adoption rates may continue to lag.However, competitive pressure to rebuild the strength of domestic agriculture has driven government support for smart farming solutions in the form of policies and finances; these incentives could encourage adoption by South Korean farmers.In the U.S., as farms become larger, and financial risks for success become more difficult, smart farming solutions leading to efficiency, convenience and increased profits could be primary drivers for adoption.Government and citizens in both the U.S.and South Korea have a vested interest to pursue sustainable agriculture as one facet of sustaining national security and natural resources.The path for each country is filled with conundrums, yet the sharing of ideas, successes, and failures, as well as engagement in collaborative scientific research could result in advancements towards smart farming solutions and in the long-term, a systematic approach towards sustainable agriculture.For both countries to achieve success, the solutions must be profitable for farmers, ICT firms, the sensor industry, and all members of the smart farming solution chain.Software, hardware and smart farming systems must be affordable, accessible and user-friendly.All members of smart farming solutions must experience non-tangible and tangible benefits resulting from sustainable agriculture.While the U.S.agricultural economy is not likely to embrace the South Korean smart farming community concept, South Korea could find it advantageous to adopt farming solutions and apply them to South Korean smart farming communities.Other countries around the globe are facing the same challenges to sustainable agricultural production as the U.S.and South Korea.FAO has long supported sustainable development for people, the planet and prosperity.Food and agriculture are critical to achieving the entire set of sustainable development goals and smart farming solutions could be customized to aid developing countries in achieving SDGs.
Smart farming solutions, especially those focused on climate smart agriculture are being established in developing countries, however, many of the same challenges faced by the U.S.and South Korea are arising.Branca and Perelli report that African agriculture systems need to be altered to expand crop production capacity and minimize environmental impact.Limitations to smart farming in Africa include access to financial resources, scaling up technological innovation, and the lack of farm to market links within the food supply chain.Drivers needed for widespread technology adoption include database expansion where information is sparse, farmer education, and national policies to improve socio-economic conditions, location specific agricultural technologies , policy shifts to promote smallholder farmers, and formulation of a business model to establish and sustain a successful agri-food production chain.The need for practical application of appropriate smart farming technologies provides opportunity for the U.S.and South Korea to transfer technical and socio-political frameworks towards the development of appropriate smart farming solutions to aid developing and industrial countries with their intermediate goals and end goal to achieve sustainable agriculture.Imbalance in the natural flow of carbon ascribed due to the anthropogenic intervention triggered its scarcity in soil, and accumulation in the atmosphere leading to the current issues of soil degradation, global warming, climate change and allied environmental hazards.Among the technological frameworks laid out for emission reduction, carbon farming mainly aims at trapping carbon in both soil and vegetation with the co-benefits of soil health restoration and productivity enhancement.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change has evidently spotted carbon sequestration in soils as one of the practical greenhouse gas diminution measures for agriculture at an early stage.The amount of carbon in the soil is stored in the form of soil organic matter, globally about 2.3 times greater than the carbon in atmospheric CO2 and 3.5 times greater than the carbon in all living terrestrial plants.Sequestration of OC in soils in agricultural usages has been implied to have large potentials to contribute to alleviate climate change at global level.Soil management as one of the most crucial measure for climate change adaptation and elevating soil fertility levels through the use of sustainable soil management practices has been advocated recently by He et al..Application of good quality organic amendments is reported as one of the strategy to elevate the stock of carbon in the soil coupled with gearing up of soil fertility and productivity ,nft channel which in turn contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Composting is also one of the measures endorsed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for diminishing the waste related greenhouse gas emissions.The production of composts from organic wastes may curtail greenhouse gas emissions, but there is uneasiness regarding exudation from the composting process.Further, organic farming is also an effective tool for fabricating quality agricultural produces.Conversion of organic wastes through decomposition is utmost important for sustainable agriculture and resource management.It is mainly due to the presence of humic substances in the final product, which were advantages to the plant growth.Humic substances present ubiquitously in soil, sediments and aquatic environments constitute the most important pool of transient refractory organiccarbon in geosphere.Structurally these are diverse but relatively low molecular mass components establishing dynamic associations that are stabilized for further by hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds.The bio-availability of micro-nutrients in soil solution at pH values is maintained as the humic substances form stable complexes with metal micro-nutrients due to oxygen nitrogen and sulfur containing functional groups in the structure.In addition to the conventional feed stocks such as kitchen wastes, agricultural residues, green manure crops, animal manure etc.scientifically produced humic mass, even from urban organic wastes is found to meet the prescribed fertilizer and clean indices.However, in this study, we attempted to explore the carbon farming potential of weed biomass, which otherwise are considered as threats to agriculture, environment and biodiversity.The conventional weed management practices through burning and application of weedicides are found to disrupt the environmental and social health.Many studies have been attempted on composting of weeds and specifically on weeds Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camera and Parthenium hysterophorus.The weeds such as water hyacinth, chromolaena, lantana, parthenium, ipomea etc.were rapidly spreading and proper utilization of such biomass could be achieved through appropriate practices like composting, mulching, phytoremediation etc..The utilization of microbial inoculum in composting has attained lot of attention over vermicomposting, owing to the dominance of exotic earthworms and consequent depletion of the native species.Moreover, microbial consortium is more effective than vermin culture in reducing the composting period.Microbial inoculation is consistently assigned as activators and accelerator.A wide range of commercial microbial inocula are also accessible to upgrade decomposition of organic matter, but the scientific study to appraise the effectiveness of microbial inoculum is still lacking.Commercial microbial inoculum consists of a single or mixed culture or the matured compost.The practice of matured compost as microbial inoculum poses fewer dispute on the rapport with the indigenous microorganism in the compost.Various studies have been reported on the use of microbial inoculants with the purpose of accelerating composting and improving the quality of final product.The composting of vegetable products using bacterial inoculants increased the final humification of the compost and consequentially enhanced the agricultural quality of the product.The techniques of inoculation of organic residue with specific organisms can also enhance the speed of composting.However, the rate of decomposition process during composting mainly depends on an ideal environment for bacteria and other decomposing microorganisms.Apparently high microbial activity under composting has an indirect role in improving the nutrient quality of compost.Accordingly in this study we tried to explore a simple, rapid and eco-friendly approach for efficient utilization of weed biomass for carbon farming and productivity enhancement so that environmental and social health is sustained.Pesticide residue analysis was conducted by transferring five g sample in 50 mL centrifuge tube, soaked in 10 mL of water for 10 min, and extracted using 15 mL acetonitrile in a 50 mL centrifuge tube with 150 μL of acetic acid.Subsequently six g anhydrous magnesium sulfate and 1.5 g sodium acetate were added, immediately shaken for one min.and then the extract centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 5 min.