When cutting at the optimal time, it is better to use the middle and lower parts, and later—the upper part of the shoot. Cuttings are sprayed with water and placed under a non-woven covering material before planting to prevent them from wilting. Finished cuttings are planted in pre-prepared spreading ridges. Cuttings are planted at a distance of 5 – 7 cm from each other to a depth of 1.5 – 2 cm. For most tree and shrub species, the optimal temperature is +20, ···, +26 degrees and humidity is 80% – 90%. Cuttings need to be regularly viewed, remove fallen leaves and non-rooted specimens. With the beginning of rooting, the plantings are ventilated, opening the film first for 1 – 2 hours, each time increasing the time, the number of sprays is reduced. After hardening the rooted cuttings, the film is removed.Green cuttings are based on the natural ability of plants to regenerate—the restoration of lost organs or parts, the formation of complete plants from leafy stem cuttings after the formation of adventitious roots. Regeneration manifests itself differently and depends on many factors: life form, hereditary characteristics, age, condition of the mother plants, rooting conditions, etc. Green cuttings make it possible to increase the yield of cuttings from one mother plant and significantly reduce the area of the queen cells. It allows you to expand the number of species and varieties that can reproduce vegetatively, and is indispensable for the rapid reproduction of plants that are available in limited quantities . A significant advantage of green cuttings is the physiological integrity and genetic uniformity of root-related plants. Green cuttings also contribute to the improvement of the planting material: growing shoots are less populated by pests than lignified ones. This technology provides not only a high reproduction rate, but also a shorter growing period. It is successfully combined with other methods: microclonal propagation, propagation by green grafting, lignified cuttings, layering. It is possible to combine green cuttings with picking strawberry rosettes and growing seedlings of flower, vegetable and medicinal plants. In the technology of green cutting, modern means of mechanization and automation of technological processes can be used. Rooting of green cuttings and, in part, their rearing are carried out in protected soil under controlled conditions, and the results do not depend on adverse climatic factors.
Due to the intensive use of protected soil , green cuttings are cost-effective.The long-developed method of rooting leafy stems gives good and stable results in the cultivation of various crops, but the reproduction of promising varieties and rootstocks of fruit is still a difficult task. For vegetative reproduction of the Weigela florida form “Bristol Ruby” in the conditions of the Tashkent Botanical Garden, green cuttings were taken from one-year green branches of the motherhood tree. From one-year-old branches, cuttings were made in three types from the bottom of the stem, from the middle part and from the thin part of the stem. The length of the cuttings was 8 – 12 cm, depending on the range of shoots. That is, bato bucket in the cuttings from the lower colon part of the rod, the distance between the buds was observed to be longer than the cuttings from the colon part in sabali . Cuttings were put on the polishing water spraying equipment. The Working Mechanism of the water spraying equipment is adapted to water spraying every 40 minutda 1 min. The top of the device is shaded with a mesh set. The cuttings in the control option were planted directly. Cuttings were planted in the range between 10 cm, rod between 6 – 8 cm. A month later, a collection of callus began to form in the cuttings. In late August, the first primary roots began to form in the cuttings. From the same time, the shoots began to wake up on top of the ground, and the growth of the cuttings was noted. At the end of the first year of vegetation, the root-taking indicators of cuttings, multiplied in different variants, were analyzed and the following results were obtained: In the cuttings placed on the kornevin stimulator, the indicator of root extraction in the colon part was 72.2%, in the middle part 93.3%, the root extraction of cuttings from the thin part was 77%; in the cuttings placed on the heteroauxine stimulator, the root-taking indicators were 54.5% in the colon, 87% in the middle part, and 61.5% in the thin part .And in the control variant of vegetative reproduction cuttings, the results were obtained as follows: 41% in the colon, 67% in the middle part and 61.5% in the thin part took root. Also, the flowering status was noted in 4% – 6% of the green cuttings that took root. The number of flowers was 1 – 3 and the duration of flowering was 12 – 14 days. All the blossoming cuttings were formed from the cuttings from the middle part of the branch . Rooted cuttings were planted on an open ground from the second year. When proper agrotechnical activities were carried out on the care of planted seedlings, their conservation at the end of the second year’s vegetation was 100%.The world is currently living a water crisis. For more than one billion people in the world, clean water supplies are not available. Until 2025, more than half of the world’s population will live in countries where over 40 percent of their re-usable water resources are abolished. Although water covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, only 3 percent of the world’s resources are freshwater and usable for agriculture.
For the purpose of expanding agricultural lands, the restrictions of water provision are the following—the deficit of renewal water in the world, the high costs and complexities of projects for water provision, the emergence of new competitors in the field of water consumption and the reduction of water allocation in agriculture due to the increase in drinking and industrial requirements, the demand of greater attention for the biosphere and the reduction of usable water supplies in agriculture, as a result of loss in water quality . Thus, the only way to meet the increasing demand for food is the effective use of water resources acquired for agriculture by using less amounts of water to get larger volumes of products. However, the above mentioned way of water consumption is not the only one; here, the selection of crops is also very important. Along with the world water shortage , in various continents the uneven distribution of water is also an additional problem next to this crisis. Asia with 60 percent of world’s population is secured only with 30 percent of water resources. Iran’s population is more than 1 percent of the world’s population. Yet, only 0.36 percent of re-usable freshwater is available to the country and is unevenly distributed. Based on Iran’s comprehensive project surveys, the renewal water resources of the whole country are around 130 billion∙m3 , of which 89.5 billion∙m3 are used in agriculture, industry, mining and for household consumption, of which around 83 billion∙m3 are given to agriculture. On one hand, agriculture, which is the main consumer of recycled fresh and re-usable waters, forms 18 percent of GNP and 25 percent of employment and secures 85 percent of public food; it forms 25 percent of non-oil exports and 9 percent of raw materials used in industry. On the other hand, Iran is located in arid and semiarid climatic conditions in the region, where the average yearly precipitation rate is 261 mm . And the average annual volume of re-usable water per capita is 1900 m3 . From which, more than ever, the necessity to pay attention to water deficit is felt. The issue of water pricing is very important for the effectiveness in agricultural sector. During evaluation of irrigation water factors and efficiency, the presentation of its economic and social consequences is essential. This is important insofar that irrigation not only brings economic consequences, but also has the social issue. In Islamic Republic of Iran water is equated with life. It plays a major role in the development of communities, enhances prosperity, and decreases migration and reproduction of population. Thus, apart from its economic importance,dutch bucket hydroponic in water tariffs, it is also essential to see the social image. In the International Conference of Freshwater 2001, which was held in Bonn, the pricing of water was represented as just one tool for water management purposes, and the support and payments of financial and operative expenses of water were on focus. The most important measure of the conference was the fact that water is human right. Based on that right, no one shall be deprived of water. In IRI, the issues of water usage and pricing are the most important in agriculture, because here around 90 percent of the water used is spent for economic needs. Thus, the methods and models of water pricing in agriculture have appointed significance.
Meanwhile, water may serve as a way to ease the migration of the poor people from the mountainous regions of the IRI.Urban areas are rapidly expanding globally and it is expected that 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2030. Cities account for more than 70% of the energy-related to global greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is one of the most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gases contributing to increase air temperature. The exchange of CO2 over cities is mostly governed by anthropogenic emissions originating from road traffic and local heating with natural gas, oil and coal. As urbanization increases globally, it is becoming important to better clarify the carbon dynamics of urban ecosystems. European cities are sharing their knowledge of climate policy initiatives. In particular, London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome have signed the Covenant of Mayors including commitments to implement sustainable energy policies that meet and exceed the EU’s 20% CO2 emissions reduction objective. In addition to the energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, CO2 emissions reduction can be achieved by plants. Plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and storing the carbon excess as biomass in roots, stems, and branches. Nevertheless, today the relationship between vegetated urban areas and CO2 emissions reduction has not been clarified and recently only the use of plants to ameliorate urban air quality has become a focus of research. In particular, urban areas covered by parks, gardens, tree-lined avenues, sports fields, and hedges are important sinks for CO2. The CO2 sequestration capability is related to species, plant age and growing conditions. Urban greening also contributes to decrease air temperature through shading, blocking wind and evapotranspiration, thus counteracting the urban heat island effects and lowering building energy used for cooling. Moreover, green spaces serve important social, psychological, health, aesthetic and ecological functions within urban areas. When exposed to green areas, people show a greater well-being with physical and psychological benefits. Among green areas, Botanical Gardens have a key role in plant conservation. The Botanic Gardens Conservation International defined Botanical Gardens as ‘‘Institutions holding documented collections of living plants for the purposes of scientific research, conservation, display and education’’. There are more than 1700 Botanical Gardens worldwide. Europe has the highest number of Botanical Gardens : Germany , France , United Kingdom , Italy and the Netherlands. Botanical Gardens have a significant role in plant ex situ conservation, taxonomic research, horticultural and economic Botany, public education and natural history appreciation. Botanical Gardens also offer economic benefits associated with attracting tourists. Some visitors appreciate the educational experiences and opportunities to view unusual or rare species, and others their role in maintaining local traditions and community identity.In this context, we analyzed an additional role for the Botanical Gardens that should be considered, i.e. the contribution to environmental quality amelioration. In particular, the CO2 sequestration capability of the most representative plant collections developing in the Botanical Garden of Rome and their influence on microclimate was analyzed.Indigenous communities have developed knowledge of ecosystem management that has evolved through an intricate manner. These ecosystems are serving by being source of food, shelter, energy, construction materials, etc. The ecological benefit which sustained the survival of life forms on the surface of the earth is also maintained as a result of the services obtained from ecosystems. Evidence shows that many of the indigenous communities and practitioners have continued on the traditional management ways and practices of natural resources.