Tomato fruits were started harvesting at breaker stage from 20inner plant of each treatment

However, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute  has released varieties that are higher yielder, but some varieties are prone to several pests and diseases. Beside this growers’ demand is good quality hybrid varieties having tolerance to different major insects and diseases.In this context, BARI needs to be developed tomato varieties possess traits of virus and wilt resistance. In 2020, The World Vegetable Centre has supplied43 tomato advanced entries to BARI. This study was undertaken to screen tomato germplasm from AFACI supplied germplasm, advanced varieties, cultivars,and native entries for resistance against late blight, TYLCV, bacterial wilt infection and leaf miner, fruit borer infestation and for other morphological attributes in order to develop insect, diseases resistant cultivars. Data on yield and yield attributing parameters with qualitative traits were recorded from 20 inner plants of each plot escaping border plants following World Veg guideline.

Four to six harvesting was done according to the different germplasm characters and data on late blight infection , TYLCV infection , bacterial wilt infection , leaf miner infestation mobile vertical rack, fruit borer infestation , fruit size, fruit shape, plant growth nature, cluster nature of fruit,type of fruit. In case of leaf miner, 0% to 43% infestation was observed among the entries.Zero percent infestation was observed in 26 entries, while more than 25% infestation was observed on 16 entries. The most devastating insect was fruit borer in this study, while the infestation range was 0% to 10%. The zero percent infestation was observed in 43 entries, while 10% infestation was observed in 3 entries.In terms of fruit size, fruit shape, plant growth nature, cluster nature of fruit,type of fruit characters of the tomato entries, there was a wide variation was observed. Three sizes of fruits were observed viz ., big , medium and small , while round type was observed in 47 entries,oval was in 16 entries and flat round was in 12 entries.

Three types of plant were observed viz., determinate , semi-determinate , indeterminate. Though all the fruits were beard cluster orientation but medium cluster was in 67 entries, while long type cluster was in 8 entries. Maximum tomato fruits were table purpose , while cherry type was produced in 16 entries and one was processing type. Banana is one of the most economical and important fruits of the world, which undergoes rapid physiological deterioration after harvest . Globally, it is the fourth most important crop in food market next to rice, wheat, and maize . Banana constitutes significant roles in food security, employment, economic development,and nutrition for many developing countries . In Eritrea,vertical grow rack the banana is one of the most important fruit crops. It is mainly grown in the western lowlands of the country and it covers the highest area than any other fruit crop predominantly harvested year-round . In 1964 banana production in Eritrea was at its highest level and was exported to Europe, the Middle East, and neighboring East African countries. However, it ceased in 1974  because of the war for independence, drought, low-quality production, and failure to compete with other exporting countries .Bananas are highly perishable climacteric fruits usually harvested at their mature green stage and artificially ripen in a ripening room .

As the fruit is harvested at its green mature stage artificial ripening is a very important aspect at commercial levels . The ripening process of banana fruits involves numerousbio chemical and physiological changes . Under natural fruit ripening conditions,ethylene gas is auto-stimulated by the ripening fruits. However, the fruits ripen slowly and unevenly, leading to high weight loss and failure to develop good colour and aroma . Thus unripe bananas need to be exposed to an exogenous source of ethylene gas for the assurance of firm pulp texture, good flavour,and bright peel colour .In Eritrea, the post-harvest handling of banana is very poor, with few treatments being given to control damage, diseases, and quality, as a result, poor quality bananas with external bruising are sold in the local markets . Results of a survey carried out in 2017/2018  showed, majority of the harvested fruits are transported to wholesaler markets located mainly in Asmara and other major cities of the country which are far from the production areas.Fruits are transported long distance using inappropriate means of transportation on mostly rough roads and are stored under poor storage conditions. Bunches are loaded on open trucks and then covered with banana leaves for transportation. Such kind of transportation system leads to mechanical damages and post-harvest losses in banana supply chains   and . During loading and unloading of bunches, laborers usually stand, sit, or walk on the fruits.