Organic rice buyers in the US are importing large percentages of their rice from Cambodia

The divergence has weakened the capacity of indigenous resource governing institutions that regulate access to resources which have traditionally supported collective action to adapt at the local level . Jones and Boyd and Upton  argue that institutional factors play important roles in prescribing options and shaping adaptation path-ways at different scales. In a related observation, Watson  reported that, in Borana, the involvement of state and non-state agencies in water resource management through a top-down interventionist approach is seen as interfering rather than helpful to the local adaptation process. In this view, there has been a biased approach towards the development of modern agriculture, a negative attitude towards pastoralism and development policies which have focused on the role of indigenous culture have been deliberately overlooked or ignored. In general, the challenge now for policy is to overcome these barriers, and successfully integrate local needs and priorities with external interventions in both adaptation and development planning. Particularly, hydroppnic grow table abovementioned barriers are putting significant limits to adaptation leading to adaptation deficits in the area which necessitate interventions that appropriately target and address each barrier.

Improving access to credit services to overcome financial barriers, provision of technical support to overcome knowledge gap and putting in place downscaled climate information services can be important areas of immediate focus to enhance local adaptive capacity. In this regard, governments, the private sector, NGOs and community organizations have different roles to play in ad-dressing these barriers, improving adaptive capacity, narrowing adaptation deficit and reducing vulnerability to climate induced risks. Organic rice has started to gain popularity as the safer and healthier alternative,especially in developed countries . Demand for organic rice is increasing with up to 50,000 acres produced in the USA . In US, organic rice farmland has increased almost six times since 1995 to now . However, current organic rice production in US is unable to meet the current market demand. Major challenges in organic rice production include nutrient optimization,weed management and variety selection . Weed competition is one of the prime yield limiting biotic constraints in rice . Uncontrolled weed can reduce rice yield by 44% to 94% . Weeds even can cause total crop failure .

Through selection of weed competitive cultivars, the weed emergence and its subsequent growth can be suppressed . Thus, varietal selection can be alternative to weed management in organic rice. Likewise, flooding and cover cropping are tools in integrated weed management for organic rice production. Water seeding of rice is widely practiced in USA . In water seeded rice, the field is continuously flooded . Water seeding takes advantage of that by establishing an early water covering to suppress weeds,flood tray but continuous flooding in water seeded rice culture encourages aquatic weeds, and when continuous flood is not maintained, it encourages semiaquatic weeds .Cover crops provide numerous environmental and weed suppression benefits. The physical and allelopathic effects caused by cover crops residue can be used to suppress the emergence of weed and reduce weed growth .

Cover crop mixtures provide more effective weed suppression relative to monoculture cover crops ecause of complementarity function of cover crop species .Cover crop mixtures of cereals and legumes are expected to accumulate more biomass than single-species counterparts at similar seeding rates . The experiment site was planted with winter wheat and crimson clover as cover crop in fall 2015 . Above ground cover crop biomass were sampled in April, 2016. Each biomass samples were taken within one meter square area with six samples each from cover cropped Land and fallow land . Cover crop and weed species were separated from each samples and dried biomass of cover crop and weed species were measured . Cover crop was incorporated one month before rice sowing.In June 2016, fifteen rice cultivars were planted using randomized complete block design with four replications. Water seeded rice and flooding were used as method to control weeds.